Test Plan

Test Scenario Verified - Y/NReTestSign Off
New Student User - Browse to Resources   

New Student User - Browse to Events

Returning Student User - Browse to Prehealth Form   
Student Blogger - Create New Post + Edit Existing   
Content Contributor - Create New Feature   
Content Contributor - Create New Event   
Content Contributor - Create New Announcement   
Content Contributor - Create New Sponsor   
Content Contributor - Edit + Add Media   
Blog Moderator - Approve User + Edit Existing Content   
Content Manager - Executes Workflow Completion   



Training Plan


Training Scenario
 Visual AidVerbal PresentationHands On
Overview / Intro ? Y 
Use CasesSite
MIT Cloud?
 Workflow & RolesChart(s)
New Site Review SiteY
The WYSIWYG - Best PracticeSite / PDF
File Structure and Naming Conventions

Site / PDF

Y ?
Style Guide ??
Build Pages?
Page Assignments?




  • No labels


  1. Stated in proposal:

    • We will provide instruction and on-site training in partnership with IS&T (TBD). The vendor will specifically provide training* for the following actions for Drupal:

    • Explaining the content types used in the site

    • Explaining the menu structures

    • Creating & managing site nodes

    • Using the WYSIWYG editor

    • Managing site blocks

    • Managing roles & users 

  2. We may want to have the Workflow rules in place prior to Training.

    Notes on set up  of Workflow Rules on site

    Specific Channel  Approver(s) will get email whenever a page  or Landing page is created or updated by a Channel editor.

    • About-page-notification
    • Career-page-notification
    • Jobs-page-notification
    • Grad-page-notification
    • Abroad-page-notification
    • Employer-page-notification

    To create Workflow Rules:     Configuration -> Workflow ->  Rules        


    Sample Add rule

    • Name :  About-page-notification
    • Tags:  (optional)
    • Event:
      • After updating existing content
      • After saving new content
      • Conditions: User has role(s) 
        • User, Data Selector :  site:current-user
        • Roles :  Select role(s) About Channel editor
        • Match Roles :  any
      • Action:  'Send mail to all users of a role'


    Feature Manager(s) will get email whenever a page is updated by a Feature Contributor.

    • Feature-notification

    Announcement Manager(s) will get email whenever a page is updated by a Announcement Contributor.

    • Announcement-notification

    Blog Manager(s) will get email whenever a page is updated by a Blog Contributor.

    • Blog-notification