Introductory MIT Drupal Cloud Website Training Documentation for

MIT Global Education &
Career Development


This guide will show you how to administer the custom features of the GECD MIT Drupal Cloud Website and to use the out-of-the box functionality that comes with the Drupal content management system in MIT Drupal Cloud software-as-service.

Other Learning Resources

For more in-depth learning, the FAQ and Resources in MIT Drupal Cloud Help section will answer most basic questions about a Drupal Cloud site.



Other Learning Resources

Login using Touchstone

Work with Pages and Menus

Add a new page and link it to the menu

Link an existing page to the menu

Make content changes

Text Formating

Add an image to your content

Add a link to a website

Types of links

Add a link to a PDF document

Add Resources to page content


Content types used in the site

Managing Roles and Users

General roles:

Custom roles:

Channels: About, Careers, Jobs, Grad School, Go Abroad, Employer

Permissions for Channel Approvers:

Permissions for Channel Editors:

Features - The Top Image and Text  Slider on the Homepage

Features Manager Permissions:

Announcements - General news for the website

Announcement Manager Permissions:

Blog Manager Permissions:

Authoring information and assignment

Home Page intro text

Home Page Feature - slideshow

Add, edit, reorder a feature on the home page

Edit existing feature to home page

Home page Sponsor

Add a new sponsor to home page

Introductory Website Documentation for GECD Website in MIT Drupal Cloud

Login using Touchstone

When you first visit your site you will see the public side of the site.

To log in using Touchstone click Login using Touchstone on your Drupal Cloud site home screen.

You are now viewing the administrative side of your site.

Make content changes

This section will show you how to  edit text, add images, and links to websites and PDF documents.

  1. Once you are logged use the main and sub navigation to open the page you wish to edit.

  2. When the page appears, click the Edit tab.


  1. From the Admin toolbar, click Content. This overlay presents a list of all your pages.

  2. Locate the page you wish to edit.

  3. Click edit, to the far right of the page name.

You are now in the page edit mode.

  1. Enter text directly into the Body section.

  2. Format using the the formatting toolbar just above the content.

  3. Click Save at the bottom left and the X at the top right when you are finished editing.

Text Formating

When entering headings in your articles, rather than select font type and size, you use the 'Format

Select' drop down menu as shown below.

To set a heading style, select the line of text that you wish to make into a heading in the content

window, and then choose a style from the format drop down box. By default, all regular text will

be set as 'Normal'.

The buttons to the right of Format add additional styles such as Bold, Italics, bullets, etc.


The WYSIWYG is a powerful tool but sometimes a little too powerful. To keep the formatting on the site consistent, skip the Styles, Font, Size and the other buttons to the left. They work against the predesigned elements on the site, create style inconsistency, and make unwanted HTML markup.

Add an image to your content

You can add images to your content area when you are editing a page. Be sure the Text format

option is set to Full HTML.

  1. From the toolbar click the Image icon.

  2. Enter a url to point to an image on the web, or

  3. Click Browse Server to locate an image on your computer.

  4. Click Upload at the top left of the Browse Server window.

  5. Click Choose File.

  6. Navigate to your image file’s location on your computer, and open it. The image name will appear in place of No file chosen.

  7. Click a box to set the thumbnail size, then click Upload. The filename appears in the list of files.

  8. Select your image filename and click Insert File. You may insert any image from the list into your document.


  9. The image is displayed in the Image Properties window with some options.

    1. You can add a border, horizontal space or vertical space around the image (measured in pixels). You can also choose the alignment of the image.

    2. To be sure the actual image size is being used, delete any height or width values in the boxes.

    3. To make the image a link, click the Link tab and add the target url.

  10. Click OK.

Add a link to a website

  1. In the Body area, select the text you want people to click on.

  2. Click the Link icon.

  3. Type or paste the target URL

  4. Change the target if you wish by clicking the Target tab and selecting a new behavior (e.g., Open in new window which will actually open a new tab).

  5. Click Save in the lower left. Be sure to test the link.

There are 3 different types of links you can add to a web page:

  1. absolute links

  2. relative links

  3. email link

Absolute links will take you to a page on the same or another web site (such as:

Relative links take you to a page on the same site and may be a location relative to the current page (such as: /jobs/find/prepare/resume).

Email links are links that go directly to someone’s email address, typically opening up an email

client for the user to send a message to that address (such as:

Add a link to a PDF document

A PDF document may be uploaded to your Drupal Cloud file space. The process to link to a PDF

is similar to a adding website link.

  1. In the Body content, select the text you want people to click on..

  2. Click the Link icon.

  3. Click the Browse Server button.

  4. In the list on the left, click on documents.

  5. If your PDF document is already uploaded, select it click Insert file on the top menu, then skip to step #9.

  6. If you need to upload your PDF document, click Upload on the top left, then click Choose File to locate and Open your PDF document on your computer.

  7. When the filename is listed in the box select a thumbnail size, then click Upload.

  8. Select the filename from the list on the right then click Insert file from the top menu.

  9. Change the target if you wish by clicking the Target tab and selecting a new behavior (e.g., Open in new window which will actually open a new tab).

  10. Click Save in the lower left, then click the X in the upper right.

  11. Be sure to test the link.

Add Resources to page content

Within the page content editor, add Resource by adding Resources Title and Resources listings.


Make Basic Content Changes - MIT Drupal Cloud

Work with Pages and Menus

Add a new page and link it to the menu

This example will add a About - Content Page to be placed under the About menu.

  1. From the admin toolbar, click Content.

  2. Click the + Add content link at the top of the Content overlay screen.

  3. Select the About - Content Page content type.

  4. Add a Title which is required and additional content in the Body section, if you desire. You do not have to complete the page content before creating the page and setting up a link to the Main Menu.

  5. Scroll down to Menu settings and select the option to Provide a menu link.

  6. When you select this setting several other options become available. A Menu link title is automatically generated but you may change this.

  7. In the Parent item drop down list select the menu link under which this page should be located.

  8. Click URL path settings, then Generate automatic URL alias. You will not see the alias until you save and return to this page overlay screen

  9. Click Save at the bottom left, then click the X to close the Content overlay screen. Your site menu looks like this.

Link an existing page to the menu

If you already have pages created and want to link them to the menu, you will apply the same

setting as above.

  1. From the admin toolbar, click Content.

  2. Find the page you’ve already created, then click the edit link to the right of the page title.

  3. Scroll down to Menu settings and select the option to Provide a menu link.

  4. When you select this setting several other options become available. A Menu link title is automatically generated but you may change this.

  5. In the Parent item drop down list select the menu link under which this page should be located.

  6. Click URL path settings, and be sure that Generate automatic URL alias is checked.

  7. Click the X to close the Content overlay screen.

Using this preferred method allows Drupal Cloud to keep track of your menu

items should you move them to a different menu at a later time.

Content types used in the site

Once you have logged-in, you're ready to start editing existing and posting new content. At the top of your personal menu, you should find link called ‘content’. Click this and you'll see a list of the types of content you can create. This list reflects the privileges assigned to your user account or to the group (‘role’) your account is part of.

  1. Career - Content Page

  2. Career Channel - Landing Page

  3. Employer - Content Page

  4. Employer - Landing Page

  5. Features (Used For Homepage Slideshow)

  6. Go Abroad - Content Page

  7. Go Abroad - Landing Page

  8. Grad School - Content Page

  9. Grad School Channel - Landing Page

  10. Jobs - Content Page

  11. Jobs Channel - Landing Page

  12. Sponsors

  13. Webform

Managing Roles and Users

To edit the site users are provided a user account are are assigned a role on the web site. These roles provide permission to access various features in the site and are customizable to match the skill level and access of the person performing that role.  There are several roles may have been created for this Drupal website. These include:

General roles:

  1. Anonymous User: this is the general public, and is not logged in on the site, and can only view pages that are accessible to anyone.

  2. Authenticated User: has the same premissions as Anonymous, but will be a member of the site and see a simple administrative menu.

Custom roles:

A content manager assigns roles to users to administer areas of the content on the site.

Channels: About, Careers, Jobs, Grad School, Go Abroad, Employer

  1. About Channel Approver

  2. About Channel Editor

  3. Career Channel Approver

  4. Career Channel Editor

  5. Jobs Channel Approver

  6. Jobs Channel Editor

  7. Grad School Channel Approver

  8. Grad School Channel Editor

  9. Go Abroad Channel Approver

  10. Go Abroad Channel Editor

  11. Employer Channel Approver

  12. Employer Channel Editor

Permissions for Channel Approvers:

Content Pages:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

Landing Pages:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

Permissions for Channel Editors:

Content Pages:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

* Features - The Top Image and Text  Slider on the Homepage

  1. Features Manager

  2. Features Contributor

Features Manager Permissions:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

Features Contributor Permissions:

Create new content, Edit own content, Delete own content

* To add a feature to the home page, a content manager needs to add feature content in
Home Page edit mode

Announcements - General news for the website

  1. Announcements Manager

  2. Announcements Contributor

Announcement Manager Permissions:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

Announcement Contributor Permissions:

Create new content, Edit own content, Delete own content


  1. Blog Manager

  2. Blog Contributor

Blog Manager Permissions:

Create new content, Edit any content, Delete any content

Blog Contributor Permissions:

Create new content, Edit own content, Delete own content

Content Manager


  1. Content Manager

Content Manager Permissions:

This is the default administrative user the comes with Drupal Cloud. Content managers have all permissions on the site and the role that assigns other roles to all users.

Home Page intro text

To edit the text to the left of the slide show:

  1. Go to home page and click Edit to access the Home Page Editor

  1. Edit the text in the Introduction section and click Save.

Home Page Feature - slideshow

Add, edit, reorder a feature on the home page

Create a feature

  1. From the admin toolbar, click Content.

  2. Click the + Add content link at the top of the Content overlay screen.

  3. Choose Features

  4. Add Title, Featured Image, Caption, and URL

  1. Click Save at the bottom left

Add Feature to Home Page

  1. Next, to add the newly created Feature to the home page, go to home page and click Edit to access the Home Page Editor

  1. Add the new Feature to the Home page editor in the in the Featured Slides section. The field will automatically select the Features title as you begin typing.

  1. To change the order of the Featured slides, locate the field you want to re-order, and drag the four-headed arrow icon up or down.

  2. Click Save.

Home page Sponsor

Add a new sponsor to home page

  1. From the admin toolbar, click Content.

  2. Click the + Add content link at the top of the Content overlay screen.

  3. Choose Sponsors

  4. Add Title, Sponsor Logo, and URL of the sponsor organization

  5. Click Save at the bottom left and the logo will be randomly displayed on the homepage.

Adding a Blog Post

Click “Provide a Menu Link” so left sub navigation is visible.

to be updated

  • No labels