From: Babi Mitra [mailto:babi@MIT.EDU]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 1:18 PM
To:; 'Arnis Kletnieks'; 'Andrew McKinney'; 'Sean Thomas'; 'Jolene de Verges'; 'Ann Whiteside'; 'Peter Wilkins'; 'Judith Leonard'
Subject: Next steps and notes: ACCORD Use Case workshop on image management tools and services held on Thu Oct 4th
 I'm attaching a spreadsheet summarizing the gist of our discussions from yesterday. The spreadsheet includes the initial list of 'named' image management tools and services categorized in terms of type of support, as well as a list of functionalities associated with image management in general. This was the matrix that evolved during our discussions(whiteboard), and we'd entered info pertaining to Metamedia, Thalia, DSpace and Dome and that's been captured in the spreadsheet. This email and the attached spreadsheet are also available on the image tools wiki page at:, see "ACCORD Use Case group on image management tools and services".
 The primary target group for these services are faculty who need to get the appropriate solutions for supporting usage of images in their teaching.
Image management in this context, broadly speaking includes finding, managing and storing images. Our goal is to help us(Accordiacs) to provide
seamless and responsive service to faculty who are looking for solutions to their image management needs for teaching.
 One of the next steps is for us to complete the matrix:
1.      Complete one line descriptions for each of the "named" tools/services, e.g., DOME, Thalia, Metamedia et al
2.      Complete one line descriptions for each of the functionalities listed, e.g., for 'accessing','retrieval', etc.
There may be more named tools and services that we need to add to this list, and/or more types of functionalities, so please add those wherever required.
 We would like to start listing the types of questions that we hear from faculty, academic administrators, TAs and other teaching staff.
 We'd also like to start listing the questions we need to ask to clarify what the real need is, again, in the context of image management.
 I've created pages in the wiki for both these categories, as well as for use cases. We will locate the use cases that had been created a while back and post them on this wiki page.
 I'm planning on presenting some of this at the Accordiacs meeting this Wed, Oct 10th and will obviously pull you all in during that J
 Thanks, and have a good long weekend!
  P.S. I neglected to mention that each of us who deals with a particular named image mgt tool/service or knows about it  should go in to the wiki and post the descriptions, fill in the matrix etc. etc. it will be useful to refer to the work done on this a while ago in terms of image tools alignment, see

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