Working Title: ELO Project
Submitted by: Patsy Baudoin
Brief description:
This project consists of loading two optical discs (one CD and one DVD) so that they can be retrieved as wholes, i.e. so users can download the entire DVD to cut one for themselves.
The ELO (Electronic Literature Organization) is moving to MIT under the auspices of its current President and MIT faculty member, Nick Montfort. SHASS will be the ELOs home for the future.
Work type: electronic literature
Existing metadata: probably; not sure what format
Rights information: open access
Approximate years covered in content: the last 15 years
Condition of the content: This material is entirely born digital, is currently available as a CD and a DVD (different content). No conservation treatment required.
Multiple access points: We can bring in Nick Montfort anytime to discuss these details.