Link to Logistics (the project schedule)

| Title of Project | thresholds |

Date of template (last revision)


Submitted by: name(s) & contact information

Ann Whiteside

Sponsoring Library/Libraries

Rotch Library

Abstract (1-2 sentences)

Rotch Library holds a critical journal of architecture, art and media culture produced by editors in the Dept. of Architecture of MIT. This project will make the collection widely accessible to the public.




Goals of project.  including desired end-product for users and MIT Libraries.

This project will digitize these critical journals at the request of the Dept. of Architecture and make the collection widely accessible to the public.

Description of content. Subject and significance of content, relationship to scope and other collections of MIT Libraries, whether the content was produced at MIT, and if the content is unique.

thresholds is the bi-annual critical journal of architecture, art and media culture produced by editors in the Department of Architecture of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
thresholds editors produce two independently themed journals a year. The best submissions from fine arts, design, graphics, media arts and sciences, film, photography, architecture and theory are selected based on their holistic fit around the given theme. Graphic and pictorial works play as strong a role in each journal as do works of critical writing.

Spatial extent of content. Number of pieces/units and growth rates as well as other indicators of scale (e.g. file sizes).

Issue #s 12-32 were bound and approximately 100 pages each.  These pages are glossy and include images.  All of these issue numbers are 23 cm.-43 cm. x 64 cm.

Temporal extent of content. Span of years covered.


Rights and/or source of content, if known. Planned restrictions if any on distribution or access to digital versions in DOME; if permissions will be needed, have been granted, etc.

MIT owns the copyright.



Anticipated audience(s) for content.  Include curricular or research needs that will be served; or benefits to audiences beyond MIT.


Anticipated benefits of digitization. (e.g. search, access, manipulation)


Is original content at risk or obsolete?



Funding: is funding available now, what amounts; what are additional or likely sources of funding?

OCA has already been paid for projects.  This project would cost approximately $400-$500 of the OCA allotment.

Funding: . If no funding has been secured, where might funding be found?




If analog, who manufactured this material?
Quality/condition as of today?
What preparation of the material is needed?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture printed the journals. The quality of issue #12-32 is in good condition. These 20 items have been bound together.  There are 7 bound items.  Issues 1-12 are in a foldout, newspaper format.  Not sure of the preparation needed.  Will send to Preservation Services prior to sending to OCA to tag the beginning and ending of each journal.

If already digitized, technical specifications for digital version; quality/condition as of today; should analog and digital be linked in some way.

In the year 2006 the issue included an accompanying DVD.  It is not known how we will handle the DVD.

If born digital, technical specifications; quality condition as of today?  What standards/best practices were used?




Does the project come with descriptive metadata?

The journal is cataloged in Barton

Does the project come with technical metadata?

Part of project

Does the project come with administrative metadata?

Part of project

Does the project come with preservation metadata?


Can the metadata be migrated?

Yes, crosswalk from MARC to DC DSpace

Does the metadata conform to best practices?




Will the content interoperate with our systems?

Easily since these items will be in pdf format.

Proposed features and delivery requirements

The issues will be in the Dome Repository and the Internet Archive.  The Internet Archive will deliver the issues in a flip book format.





Dome & Internet Archive.  Barton will include these links as well as the thresholds webpage.


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