- Be sure that there are no camera-related programs on the computer
- If so, quit the programs and turn off the camera
- Quitting the camera programs may take a minute
- Turn on the Camera and switch to "play" mode
- Click on PSRemote on the desktop. It will connect to the camera
- Click Camera -> Live Viewfinder.
- Try these settings first:
- Exp Mode: Manual
- Tv: 15"
- Av: 8
- ISO: Auto (or 54)
- Size/Quality: Large/normal
- White balance: Auto
- Auto-focus distance: Close-up
- Focus points:Auto
- Adjust zoom as needed above Exp mode.
- Adjust your gel and twist the camera as needed.
- When you're happy with what you see, press Release. It will take 15 seconds to capture the image - don't panic and don't move the camera or gel box.
- The image will save to the "Common Gels" folder on the desktop. Move this to your own shared Dropbox folder.
lulabgels@gmail.com // lulabMIT