Zoom Preference settings online

When setting up the Zoom settings, in Zoom Preferences, set the following. See the diagram below on how to access online preferences. Setting preferences in Zoom alone may not work if you do not make these settings online.

Warning: At the bottom of this page, there is a blue button that reads "Regenerate". Be sure to NOT click this after you change the following settings. Clicking this button reverts your settings back to default.

    • Waiting Room: ON

    • Only authenticated users can join meetings: OFF

    • Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client: OFF

    • Participants video: OFF

    • Mute participants upon entry: ON

    • Chat: ON

    • Chat (Prevent participants from saving chat): CHECKPrivate chat (Allow meeting participants to send a private 1:1 message to another participant): ON

    • Display end-of-meeting experience feedback survey: OFF

    • Screen sharing: CHECK "HOST ONLY"

    • Remote control: OFF

    • Nonverbal feedback: ON

    • Meeting reactions: ON

    • Allow participants to rename themselves: OFF

    • Hide participant profile pictures in a meeting: ON

    • Reminder: You do not need to save this. Do not click "Regenerate" at the bottom of the page. This will reset your settings that you just changed back to MIT's default set-up.

Zoom settings in Zoom (not online)

After set-up in Zoom Preferences online, also make sure that some that settings are reflected in Zoom.


    1. Scheduling settings: Make Zoom settings

    2. Participants settings
    3. Chat settings



Closed Captioning

  1. Per the steps above, make sure to record your talk in settings
  2. In your Zoom online settings (General -->View More Options to go online, or just go to zoom.us, then go to Preferences)

  3. Go to recordings

  4. Click on the recording you would like to have captioned.

  5. You should see an option below the film reel icon that readers "Audio Transcription". Click this and download the file as a text file. You will then find it in your downloads.


How talks will be executed (from Gina's perspective on 9.4.2020)

The week prior to the talk, the Zoom host, MIT faculty host, and the guest speaker will do a practice run on the following set-up. The MIT Faculty Host should determine if s/he will field the chat questions for the end of the talk, or if a postdoc will be assigned to do so. Ideally, it should be the MIT Faculty Host who does this. The Zoom backgrounds may be shared for optional usage at this time as well.

The Zoom host, MIT faculty host, and the guest speaker will convene prior to when the seminar commences. All will be sure to turn off their calendar, phone, and email notifications to avoid sound disruption. It should be established during the set-up between the Speaker and the Faculty Host during the initial setup whether the MIT Faculty Host would like to be shown at the end of the talk when posing the chat questions to the Speaker, or if the spotlight should remain on the speaker for the remainder of the talk.

**Maybe consider having a fourth party to be present during set-up in order to make sure that settings are working properly and that participants have proper limitations established (such as video and sound turned off, waiting room on, etc.)**


Talk Commencement, Screen Hand-off
The Zoom Host will provide an optional virtual background to the MIT Faculty Host and to the Speaker. This will be visible until the MIT faculty enters to introduce the speaker. The Zoom Host will black off his/her camera and change the virtual screen to a welcome screen showing the title of the talk and the Speaker's name, title and university/organization. He/she will be muted throughout the event (but not during the pre-talk set-up).

When the MIT Faculty Host is ready to begin, s/he should privately message the Zoom Host, who will then put the spotlight onto the MIT Faculty Host, who will then introduce the speaker. S/he should also mention that questions posed throughout the talk in the chat will be posed after the talk. After his/her introduction, the Faculty Host will move the spotlight to the Speaker who will begin his/her talk.


Talk Duration to the End of Talk
Throughout the talk, the Zoom Host will manage chat hecklers, either disabling their chat or putting them in the Zoom naughty chair (the waiting room). The Zoom Host will also copy/past questions from the chat to send to the Faculty Host (or designated postdoc). Depending on the prescribed agreement between the MIT Faculty Host and the Speaker as to whose screen should remain visible, the Speaker and the host may hand over the spotlight to one another.

The MIT Faculty Host (or designated postdoc) will field the questions to pose at the end of the talk. The talk should be ideally about an hour, with fifteen minutes of Q&A, but should the talk run over that time, the questions that the MIT Faculty Host deems as best should be posed first. The Zoom Host will monitor the remaining time and will send alerts at ten, five, and the each remaining subsequent minute markers. At the end of the talk and Q&A, the MIT Faculty Host will thank the speaker, thank the audience for attending, and bestow salutations for the close of the event. After salutations, the Zoom Host will end the meeting for all.


Zoom Responsibilities for Each Individual at the Time of Talk (as extrapolated from above).

Zoom Host Responsibilities


  • Provide optional Zoom backgrounds
  • Remind all to to turn off calendar, phone, and email notifications to avoid sound disruption
  • Remind Speaker and MIT Faculty Host of their decision to share the spotlight during the Q&A or to just keep the spotlight on the speaker

Talk Commencement, Screen Hand-off

  • Mute your sound
  • Block the light from the camera and change the virtual screen to a welcome screen showing the title of the talk and the Speaker's name, title and university/organization
  • When the MIT Faculty Host is ready to begin the talk, s/he will message you privately. You will then put the spotlight on the MIT Faculty Host.

Talk Duration to the End of Talk

  • Throughout the talk, manage chat hecklers, either disabling their chat or putting them in the Zoom naughty chair (the waiting room).
  • Copy/paste questions from the chat to send to the Faculty Host (or designated postdoc).
  • Monitor remaining time, private messaging in the chat field to the MIT Faculty Host in increments of ten, five, and then each subsequent remaining minute of the fifteen minute window for the Q&A.
  • After the MIT Faculty Host thanks the Speaker and the attendees and shares his/her closing salutation, end the meeting for all.


MIT Faculty Host Responsibilities

Prior to the talk

  • Establish on whether you or a postdoc will field and read the chats during the talk, and share this information with the Zoom Host. If the preference is to use a postdoc, connect the postdoc with the Zoom Host no more than a day before the event.
  • Set up your seminar virtual background (optional)
  • Establish whether the you and the speaker would like to be shown in the video at the end of the talk when posing the chat questions to the Speaker, or if the video should remain on the speaker for the remainder of the talk.

Talk Commencement, Screen Hand-off

  • Mute sound on all computer and phone devices, such as calendar reminders and inbox notifications prior to talk
  • Welcome audience and Speaker and provide introduction to Speaker
  • After introduction, the Faculty Host will move the spotlight to the Speaker who will begin his/her talk.

Talk Duration to the End of Talk

  • Field questions sent to you via private chat from the Zoom Host, and select the best questions to be posed to the speaker, limiting some if need be in the interest of time. The Zoom Host will private message you in the chat to make you aware of your minute markers (ten minutes, five, then four, three, two, one, and the end time).
  • At the end of the Q&A, thank the speaker, thank the audience for attending, and bestow salutations for the close of the event.


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