general things we care about
- how canted fins can be and way to measure (driven by possible misalignments of setup jig for worst case scenario)
- bending stiffness/strength
- torsional stiffness/strength
- destructive test fin can (jig made)
- doesn't bend too much (observe result but not driving)
from dynamic pressure and mach number, do integral to get moment at the root (assume 1 degree geometric angle of attack for all flight)
-> do this analysis and derive aerodynamic loads
test fillets to failure; measure deflection at the tip (jakob is concerned about this and thinks it should be 1%)
-> action item for this week mostly shannon
combine analytical things from coupons and fillet tests to ensure that fin withstands moment
-> tina, next week
center of mass, elastic axis (from CAD) and torsional stiffness (from fillet testing and coupon analysis)
-> tina CM, jakob elastic axis, shannon torsional stiffness tests
override default finsim value with measured/specifically calculated values (finsim treats fins as if they are fillets and thickness, not tip to tip (as if there wasn't a continuous ply))
-> recap and sit down and do it together yes all everyone, matt teaches the youngins.
- research on how aerodynamic center moves (Jakob is not confident abt this)