5/16", 1/4" hex key
- Epoxy
- High temperature grease
- Gorilla glue/polyurethane (PU) glue
- Room temperature vulcanizer (RTV)
- Adjustable spanner
- Rubber Mallet
- Boattail Allen Key**
- Assemble the nozzle. Add o-rings and lubricate well.
- Follow the 'MIT Rocket Team Grain Cutting and Bonding Procedure' to bond the grains to the liner, using the nozzle assembly as a placement guide. Apply aeropoxy to the splice, if any.
- Bolt the nozzle assembly to the case, taking account of directionality.
- Slide the motor load into the case.
- Use RTV to attach the insulation disk to the forward closure.
- Attach the pressure transducer to the forward closure.
- Add o-rings to the forward closure and lubricate generously. Slide the closure into the open end of the case.
- Bolt the forward retention ring to the case.