1. Learning Modules and How-Tos

    1. Suggested course of learning (will link to subpages below in some order)

      1. Can have a general baseline one

      2. Then one for firmware

      3. One for EE

      4. One for ground station

    2. EE

      1. Wiring harnessing-- tips tricks and ___

      2. Dummies guide to strain relief

      3. EE learning modules

      4. All about PCB design

      5. Physical considerations for high powered rockets

      6. Something about RF stuff

    3. Software

      1. C++ learning modules or something

        1. Basics

        2. OOP

        3. State machines

      2. Intro to embedded systems

      3. RTOS

      4. Python crash course(probably just links)

      5. Qt (can just link some stuff here)

    4. Estimation and modeling

      1. Estimation

      2. Control stuff

      3. Something simulation (i dream)

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