We were deciding between these two options, and the design review led us to choose the forward closure option only.
*insert explaintion from design review*
IMPORTANT: do mass calculation comparison:
- 5’6” fiberglass motor body tube, outer diameter = 6.422”, thickness = .219”
- fiberglass coupler and switch band
- aluminum fin transition
- aluminum retention ring
Dayna Erdmann (head struc)
Matthew Campbell (former head struc)
Ethan Sit (motor)
Andrew Reilley (motor)
Jakob Coray (recovery)
Notes from 10/27
Needs to be CAD-ed:
Fin can transition
Retention Ring
Forward closure
Ethan’s Advice:
We need a body tube, it isn’t a good idea to use the motor case as the outer layer. Idea- extend the retention ring outwards to be the same outer diameter as the motor case and slide a body tube over all of it, shear pins go through retention ring and body tube.
U-boltconnectionfromforward closure for recovery
Andrew will be sending out an email today with all new dimensions- we are now having a 6” outer diameter rocket!!
- which folders to sync with rocket team svn? (all of them)
- how to isolate mystery box components from recovery?
- how does alongretentionring (single part, heavy) compare to a couplerandswitchband(extra section, lighter)?
Parts List:
fin can transition
RE: Ellen, Diane, Paige
provide smooth transition from fin can to motor case for aerodynamic considerations
constrain fin can in place on motor case
key dimension:
cylinder: outer diameter = 6.422”, thickness = .219”, length?
forward closure
RE: Ellen, Diane, Paige, Elena
separate motor and mystery box sections
anchor camera and daq and protect them from heat from motor
how should camera and daq be connected?
key dimension:
inner diameter of motor case = 5.484”
retention ring
RE: Paige, Bryan, Elena
connect motor case to recovery body tube
constrain forward closure
allow access to camera and daq
key dimension:
inner diameter of motor case = 5.484”
thickness = at least .125” for recovery
length = bolt circle is 4”, recovery needs 6”, rest is TBD based on switch band dimensions
Should be 14
data acquisition
RE: Bryan, Elena
collects pressure data from motor and acceleration data
key dimension: TBD based on payload
RE: Bryan, Elena
record parachute deployment
key dimension:
2.836” x 1.305” x 0.758”
possible issues:
field of view
getting tangled with recovery (thin disk shield to prevent this)
Very approximate drawing-- will decide on system for attachment, better method of holding the camera, etc.
recovery attachment
RE: Suzanna
U-bolt (or not??) attaching parachute to forward closure
key dimension:
which U-bolt are we using? are we using a U-bolt?
Should we use a I bolt
Torque retention on safety wire? - charlie
Check characterization motors in lab for hole needed for ptap on forward closure
Heat on forward closure melts nyon on parachute? - andrew adams
Daq and two cameras (both up for redundancy) - daq needs to wired to the ptap
They might be attached to forward closure or maybe retention ring
Perhaps attaching parachute to a bulkhead so the heat/force/retention ring from forward closure doesn’t interfere
8 bolts go around for motor case
Mass saving cuts (speed holes) in bulkhead
Which u-bolt? http://anvileps.com/data/documents/U-Bolts.pdf
Jakob - probably should withstand 2,000 lbs of force
older version(s):