1. Hardware

    1. All components selected MUST be available in non-reel quantities from either Digikey or Mouser

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.10

    2. All components MUST be in active life cycle phase

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

    3. All components MUST be at a minimum 0402 size

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.1

    4. Designers SHOULD avoid BGA wherever possible

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.1

    5. Passives SHOULD be standardised to 0603 scale wherever possible

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.1

    6. Repeated requirements SHOULD be performed by the same type of component

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.1, HLD 1.10, HLD 1.9

    7. All wires must be flexible and properly terminated (multicore)

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.17 1.18

    8. All external connectors MUST be placed in the right locations for integration (no overlapping wires)

      1. Owned by: Avionics Hardware

      2. Satisfies: HLD1.3 1.5

    9. All components MUST be operational in the following ranges

      1. Temperature: -40 - 85 oC

  2. Sensors

    1. Each sensor SHOULD have supply voltage no more than 5.5 V

    2. Each sensor MUST support SPI, I2C, and/or UART

    3. Each sensor SHOULD be able to soft-reset

    4. Each sensor SHOULD have update rate 2 kHz

    5. Each sensor SHOULD establish lock in under a minute

    6. IMU

      1. SHOULD have gyro full scale range at least 2000.

      2. SHOULD have accel full scale range at least 16g.

      3. SHOULD have gyro noise max 2.8mdps/rt Hz.

      4. SHOULD have accel noise max 70 ug/rt Hz.

      5. Examples: ICM-42688-P

    7. GPS

      1. COCOM limits MUST be AND implemented

      2. MUST log at 500 m/s

      3. MUST have an update rate at least 20 Hz

      4. MUST be able to log over 50 km

      5. MUST have a heading accuracy ≤ 0.5 degrees

      6. Examples: NEO-M9N

    8. Barometer

      1. MUST be able to log at less than 5 mbar

      2. Relative accuracy: 土.06 to 0.12 hPa

      3. Absolute accuracy: 土 1 hPa

      4. Measurement time: 27.5 ms, 3.6 ms for low precision mode.

      5. Examples: BMP 280, DPS 310

    9. Accelerometer

      1. Range: anywhere between 2g and 200g

      2. MUST measure 3 axes

      3. Power Usage: hundreds of micro-amps

      4. Temperature range: -40 to 85 C

      5. High bandwidth: 1 kHz

      6. Price MUST not exceed $10

      7. Examples: 1 2

  3. CPU

    1. Link to Tradeoff

    2. Memory must fit code with Debug:

      1. >10.9kB of RAM

      2. 150kB of Flash

    3. Core/Package

      1. MUST have a TQFP or LQFP package

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      2. MUST operate at a 3.3V or lower core voltage

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      3. MUST have an FPU (Floating Point Unit)

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      4. SHOULD support DSP instructions 

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

    4. Serial Interfaces

      1. MUST support SPI Interface

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

        2. Satisfies: 

      2. MUST support QSPI Interface

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      3. SHOULD support I2C Interface

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      4. MUST support USB/UART

    5. I/O

      1. MUST have enough I/O to interface with sensors and other peripheral devices (~50 required for Pyxida 6.2) 

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      2. MUST support external interrupts

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

    6. Development and Documentation

      1. MUST support a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) - MbedOS

        1. Owned by Avionics Hardware

      2. Development toolchain MUST have a low barrier to entry and intuitive to use

        1. Wording left deliberately vague as this is a rather subjective requirement

        2. Co-owned between Avionics Hardware and Avionics Firmware

      3. Development toolchain SHOULD have a command-line interface and be IDE-agnostic

        1. Co-owned between Avionics Hardware and Avionics Firmware

      4. Hardware and Software development toolchain MUST be well-documented

        1. Co-owned between Avionics Hardware and Avionics Firmware

      5. MUST be in active life cycle phase

      6. SHOULD have dev boards available

        1. Owned by Avionics Firmware (makes upskilling people so much easier)

  4. Radio

    1. System MUST be in radio contact during pre-launch and descent with at least THREE bursts per second

      1. Owned by Avionics Hardware/Radio

      2. Satisfies: HLD2.X,HLD6.1,ERD5.6

    2. System SHOULD maintain a stable - 100kbps - radio link throughout flight

      1. Owned by Avionics Hardware/Radio

      2. Satisfies: HLD2.X,ERD5.6

    3. System MUST transmit telemetry data via radio when link is available

      1. Owned by Avionics Hardware/Radio

      2. Satisfies: HLD4.1(part),HLD6.1

    4. System MAY transmit video frames if excess capacity available

      1. Owned by Avionics Hardware/Radio

      2. Satisfies HLD5.4

  5. Firmware

    1. System MUST write current telemetry to onboard storage at at least 500 Hz

      1. Owned by Avionics Firmware

      2. Satisfies HLD3.1,HLD4.1

    2. System MUST write current state to onboard storage every at at least 500 Hz

      1. Owned by Avionics Firmware

      2. Satisfies HLD4.1

      3. Debugging 

    3. MUST have a standardized programmer and connector

      1. MUST be JTAG programmable

      2. Satisfies HLD1.9

      3. Owned by Avionics Hardware

    4. Components chosen MAY have firmware code already written and available online

    5. System MUST have units tests and proper documentation for each of its subsystems, including:

      1. All sensors

      2. Radio

      3. MAY include Pyros

      4. Flash

      5. Battery monitoring/switch-over

      6. Cameras

      7. Daughter boards

      8. This SHOULD include both sensor calibration and verification

      9. Owned by Avionics Firmware

    6. MUST restrict the firing of the rocket unless explicitly armed

      1. Satisfies 1.14

      2. Owned by Avionics Firmware

    7. RTOS choice

  6. Ground Station

    1. System MUST receive telemetry from rocket during flight

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

      2. Satisfies HLD6.1

    2. System MUST display telemetry received in real time

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

      2. Satisfies HLD6.1

    3. System MUST record and save all telemetry received via radio locally

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

      2. Satsifies HLD4.1, HLD6.1

    4. System MUST be able to send commands to flight computer during pre-launch sequence

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

      2. Satisfies HLD5.1,HLD5.2,XXX

    5. System MUST provide information on rocket status on launchpad

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

    6. System MUST support multichannel configurations

      1. Channels SHOULD be configurable via UI

      2. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

    7. System SHOULD be able to simultaneously communicate with multiple stages using different channels

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

    8. System MUST be able to recover data from flash via usb or radio after flight

      1. Owned by: Avionics Ground Station

  7. Control

    1. System MUST have I/O ports for controls daughter boards.

  8. Cameras

    1. Cameras MUST record and store video at 1080p 24fps

      1. Cameras SHOULD record and store footage at 1080p 60fps

      2. Cameras MAY record and store footage at 4k

      3. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      4. Satisfies HLD7.5

    2. Cameras MUST record and store 1 outward facing video

      1. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      2. Satisfies HLD7.1

    3. Cameras SHOULD record and store 1 inward facing video

      1. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      2. Satisfies HLD7.2

    4. System MAY support 2 additional cameras

      1. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      2. Satisfies HLD7.3

    5. System SHOULD turn on and start recording digitally

      1. System MAY use bluetooth or wireless activation

      2. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      3. Satisfies: HLD7.4

    6. Cameras MUST report feedback about operation

      1. Cameras MUST report operation state (recording or taking pictures)

      2. System MAY stream video/images during flight every X seconds

      3. Cameras MAY report battery life before launch

      4. MUST report back through radio queue

      5. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      6. Satisfies HLD7.7

    7. Cameras storage SHOULD survive ballistic impact 

      1. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      2. Satisfies HLD7.8

    8. Cameras MUST meet vibration requirements

      1. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

      2. Satisfies HLD7.9

    9. Cameras MUST have recording battery life longer than 1 hour

      1. Cameras SHOULD recharge from within AV tower

      2. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

    10. Cameras MUST have enough storage for flight video

      1. 1080p 60fps records at ~5.2MB/s, 16GB SD = 1:12 Hours

      2. Owned by: Avionics Cameras

  9. Power

    1. MUST restrict the firing of the rocket unless explicitly armed

    2. SHOULD be a separate board supporting all avionics systems

    3. SHOULD minimize number of batteries flown

    4. MUST have individual rails with LDO capacity

    5. MUST have enough capacitance for brownout protection

    6. MUST have protection circuitry

    7. At least 30dB PSRR for each Digital Supply, 50dB PSRR for Analog Supplies

    8. Power rating 1.5x peak calculated capacity, no sharing

    9. Overall system must be at least 90% efficient

    10. Operating temp range -40 to 125C

    11. Drop out range ideally down to 2V if possible

    12. Charging and management computers for Lipos

  10. Misc

    1. Appropriate heat sinks deployed on all appropriate parts (CPU, power)

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