Pyxida Sensors and Chips

Listed below are the sensors and chips on the Pyxida Revision 6/6.1 that the MCU can communicate with or control (either via SPI, I2C, Serial, or GPIO pins).

MK64FX512VLL12 - Microcontroller


MS5607 - Barometer
  • Measures pressure (which translates to altitude) and temperature
  • Datasheet: MS5607-02BA03.pdf
  • Configured with 7-bit I2C Address 0x76
[DEPRECATED] BMP280 - Barometer
ADXL375 - High-G Accelerometer
MPU9250 - IMU

Other Chips

CC1200 - Radio Transceiver
CC1190 - Radio Amplifier
MCP23008 - I2C to GPIO Port Expander
W25N01GV - 1 Gigabit Flash Chip


The MCU can also control a buzzer, 3 LEDs, can read the backup and main battery voltages, and can connect with additional breakout boards.


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