This is a first draft at service descriptions including "who's responsible for what." To be edited liberally. It falls on this side of fascist in this version. It's better to under-promise, but we need to soften this up a bit.
Classes of Service |
Service Description |
Central Responsibilities |
Personal Responsibilities |
Centrally Managed |
Software: IS&T's standard Linux distribution, configuration, and software suite as deployed in IS&T computing spaces. OS and software has central management enabled similar to public student lab deployments. Hardware: One of IS&T's standard hardware configurations as specified and tested, for which software integration has been completed and approved by IS&T; basically hardware identical to the recommended and deployed public student desktops. Hardware was purchased by IS&T or an MIT department, and is owned by MIT. |
Hardware working with current Linux distribution, configuration, software suite as deployed in IS&T computing spaces |
Limiting hardware and software customization to documented options that basically retain standard "image"; Supervising use of system including responsibility for uses of system by third parties |
Personally Managed |
Any other hardware or software configuration. Any hardware not owned by MIT. |
IS&T will maintain some information of known incompatibilities with specific hardware, and hardware that is known to be likely to work. IS&T will maintain basic MIT-specific configuration information for key services and a few common distributions; IS&T will provide basic assistance for key services including pointers to documentation, fielding questions, and escalating service-side issues to service owners (not including service configuration issues unique to interactions a specific client configuration); IS&T will not be able to resolve issues not addressed by standard configuration and documentation, beyond applying a minimal level of effort |
Extended troubleshooting; Adding, removing, or reconfiguring packages; Problem resolution; Configuring software to work with available hardware; Exploring hardware or software alternatives |
Custom Hardware Integration |
Sometimes none of the standard hardware configurations meet the need of a particular MIT use for which the "Centrally Managed" class of service is needed. It may be possible to add a hardware configuration to the list of standard configurations thought testing, tuning the specifications, and executing and necessary integration work. This is available as service from IS&T, in three phases:
Custom hardware integration could be a real value-add for the community, but could also be a significant resource burden on IS&T.