1. Understand Faculty IT needs better
  2. Use the information to
  • Create a "Getting Started Page" for Faculty
  • Populate the educational technology web pages within IS&T
  • Document  needs and identify gaps in services

Task List

  1. handler

    Create a sheet for faculty orientation

    Priority HIGH
  2. handler

    Create an open ended questionaire template to use while interviewing faculty

    Priority HIGH
    Aug 28, 2009 11:11
  3. handler

    Create a list of services Faculty should be aware of, which can be shared with them after an interview

    Priority HIGH
    Aug 28, 2009 11:12
  4. handler

    Partner with CSS headquarters to incorporate our questions into their IT satisfaction survey

    Priority MEDIUM
    ranjani@mit.edu, jmhunt@mit.edu
    Aug 28, 2009 11:13
  5. handler

    Identify list of faculty to interview and identify early adopters, possible pilot candidates

    Priority MEDIUM
    Aug 28, 2009 11:21
  6. handler

    Gather needs information and identify gaps in services

    Priority MEDIUM
    Aug 28, 2009 11:34

Faculty Orientation Signup Sheet
Faculty Interview Questionnaire
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