October 30, 2009
Also attending, Brian Campbell, Chuck King and Justin Flemning from DS
Main url for event: http://nercomp.org/events/event_single.aspx?id=5859
Overall, very little was applicable to the Student VM system preparation that I had hoped to gleam from the session. There are definitely some major opportunities for DS to do system imaging and things for laptop loaner to be more efficient.
Jon's notes:
ImageX seems to have some post processing advatnages
Windows Deployment Service is only used by WPI for PXE service
When Windows PE boots it runs startnet.cmd
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 is out.
Bryan Ferguson
Mark Davis Jr. davis@swarthmore.edu
Also on Sustainability Committee
Using Altiris heavily
80% of student systems are Mac
50/50 Win/Mac for college owned machines
Also deals with tracking throughout deployment life cycle
Automated and secure imaging
Aran Gilmore - aran.gilmore@simmons.edu
Bob Bourque - robert.bourque@simmons.edu
Everyone mentions ImageX
Simmons switched from DeepFreeze to SteadyState which is free - wonder if they have a powersave equivalent???
Doing some cool stuff with dual boot Mac deployment