This page embeds a Qualtrics survey using an iFrame to create a contact form on your web site, which is processed via MIT's Qualtrics subscription. This "survey" is just a simple contact form example, but you can embed any survey using this technique. 

In this particular case, since we are on a wiki page, we are using the iframe macro to embed the survey. 

If you are embedding a survey on your own web site and have control over the HTML, you can just embed the iframe code directly, as shown below.

http or https

 Many browsers will generate an error and will not render your iframe if your page is served over https but your iframe links to an http site. Qualtrics surveys are available over both http and https. Make sure you use https to linke to your survey if the page you are hosting it on is also using https.

<iframe src=""
        width="100%" height="1200px" scrolling="auto" align="middle"



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