Cluster physics as a possible X-ray calibrator
The aim of the project is to compare the quantities of cluster physics and cosmology, derived from the X-ray data of different instruments with equivalent quantities derived from other wavelength data and other physical processes. If the different physical processes and data yield consistent values for the same physical quantity, e.g. the cluster total mass, it is rather unlikely that the independent things involved are biased in such a way that the results are consistent. Rather, the calibrations are correct. In case of discrepancies, we can evaluate the cross-calibration uncertainties and possibly judge by the physical arguments, which instrument(s) have the smallest calibration uncertainties. We are planning to use cluster total masses (hydrostatic v.s. gravitational lensing), cluster gas pressure (X-ray v.s. Sunyaev-Zeldovich) and cluster baryonic fraction v.s cosmic average in this work.
- Some literature
- H. Israel's talk in IACHEC 2014 meeting
- A. von den Linden's talk in IACHEC 2014 meeting
- Jukka's talk in IACHEC 2013 meeting