Applications which are affected by the retirement of Version 4

  • IMAP (After December 2006, with the retirement of Eudora, this will transition.)
  • KPOP email, including Eudora POP users, EMACS rmail, XMH, and other clients (OIS has started transition the remaining kPOP users to SSL.)
  • TN3270 / Hostexplorer and connectivity to MITVMA and MITVMC
  • MIT CA (internal dependancy on Moira libraries)
  • kLpr
  • Zephyr
  • OLC
  • Discuss
  • ESandi (has been retired from the communnity but two staff members continute to require access.)
  • Powerbuilder applications that use "The Kludge" to perform SSO. (People.dll used to access the People DB in the Data Warehouse.)
  • Keys application accessed via Facilities using HostExplorer, resides on PPL, porting under way
  • No labels