What you need to do IT-wise when you know you'll have a new hire at MIT
Getting IT resources for new hires at MIT often seems like a mystical process. Hopefully equipped with the right knowledge ahead of time we can help make the process as easy as possible.
The Action Timeline
Things need to be done in a specific order in insure a smooth and quick start for new hires.
- T-minus 1-2 weeks to start date: Get the MIT ID number for the new employee. This ID number is the absolute first step. Nothing happens without this number. Email this number to the new hire.
- T-minus 5-2 days before start date: Have the new hire register their MIT Athena Account. This step is critical. It takes between 36 and 48 hours for the user's credentials to populate through all of IS&T's systems. If the user doesn't register their MIT Athena account until their start date, it will be another 2 days before they can gain access to any administrative systems since their credentials won't be in the appropriate MIT IS&T systems.
- On the start date, have the user's email accounts set up on all computers and devices. Add them to any shared calendars.
- On the start date, ALL web browsers the new hire will use (Firefox, IE, Safari, etc) should have the MIT Certificates and MIT Certificate Authority installed.
- On the start date, have the new employee attend a new employee orientation and/or go over the new employee orientation website.
- On the start date, contact the appropriate people in IS&T to give the new hire access to any administrative systems they may need for their jobs.
Computer work on the new employee's First Day:
- Create the new user's computer account (if the new user is a temp, we may be asked not to create a new user account). In the event the user is a temp and will use the same account, we will rename the account for the new user.
- If an account is created for the new user, they can also keep using the old user account to access certain files should they need.
- Obtain Certificates for the new user at https://ca.mit.edu/ca/ in the browser they would need. Certificates need to be obtained for each browser the user intends to run.
- If a new user account is created, copy the folder "Files To New Employee" to the Documents folder of the new employee's user account.
- If a new user account is created, copy appropriate local email folders from the old user's account in Macintosh HD/Users/username/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes (where username is the user's Mac account name) on the Mac to the new user's email account folder in the new user's Mac account "Library/Mai/V2/Mailboxes/" folder.
- Launch Apple Mail in the new user's account to build the index from the old emails. After it does this, add the new user's email account settings.
- If the machine is running Mac OS 10.9: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.9+%28Mavericks%29+Mail%2C+Calendars%2C+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+Environment
- If the machine is running Mac OS 10.8: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.8+%28Mountain+Lion%29+Mail+6.x,+Calendars,+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment
- If the machine is running Mac OS 10.7: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/display/istcontrib/Set+up+Mac+OS+X+10.7+%28Lion%29+Mail+5.x,+iCal+and+Address+Book+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment