Many responsibilities are linked to specific times of year. 


New EC is elected. 

New President should familiarize themselves with how the club runs – including their responsibilities, and the main responsibilities of other officers. They should talk to the old President to find out about current club issues. 

The new EC should start the process of choosing appointed officers (Appointing Officers).


The appointing officers process continues; the new EC should meet in person to appoint them. 

Class graduation occurs - this is basically the Class Coordinator's show, but the president will need to sign diplomas. Planning graduation is often complicated, so the CC may need help. 

EC and appointed officer turnover happens. This is a good time for making sure that the appropriate people have financial signatory status, office access, reservation abilities, etc. 

Perform the ASA re-recognition process when they ask. See for more details.


Someone should be recruited to run Amateur night. See How to Run Amateur Night for information on what volunteers will need to do. 


Confirm that the Publicity Coordinator is aware of deadlines relating to FYSM, Midway, etc. 


Confirm that the Publicity Coordinator is on top of publicity for the class. Find out if they need help. 

Check on the Class Coordinator. Find out if they need any help getting help for the class. 


Look up which Standing Policies are up for renewal. (See Standing Policies)

Consider having a club finance meeting to evaluate staff pay and attendance fees.

Every 2 years, we have to re-request office space from the ASA. (not sure exactly when this occurs)


Check in with all elected officers about whether they wish to continue their term. If any wish to stop, start finding replacements. See Running Elections

Send a survey to current MIT student members to find out what the club can do to keep them happy. 


Hold a club meeting and election as needed for replacing elected officers or approving standing policies. 

An open EC meeting needs to be held to approve the class graduation list. The Class Coordinator may schedule this, if not, the President should help schedule it. 


Class graduation occurs - this is basically the Class Coordinator's show, but the president will need to sign diplomas. Planning graduation is often complicated, so the CC may need help. 


Check with publicity to make sure they're on top of publicizing Intro Night and the spring class.

Check with Class Coordinator to make sure they're prepared for the spring class. 



Schedule a club meeting for spring elections.

Start finding candidates for spring elections. See Running Elections.


Hold a club meeting with an election. Incoming EC should be added to squares-ec-incoming@ and the various other things (see Welcome e-mail to new officers for full list of steps)

An open EC meeting needs to be held to approve the class graduation list. The Class Coordinator may schedule this, if not, the President should help schedule it. 

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