The Tech Squares website ( need to be periodically updated with information about the first day of fall and spring classes (done by the class coordinator and/or webmaster) and with dance locations (done by the rooming coordinator). Updating the website involves the following steps:
- SSH to Athena at (ask another officer if you need help with this).
- Navigate to the directory where you want to make the changes.
- For first day of class: cd /mit/tech-squares/www
- For rooming: cd /mit/tech-squares/www/schedules
- Open the file you want to change
- For first day of class: variables.html
- For rooming: weekly.html and weekly-xx.html (replace xx with the last two digits of the relevant year)
- Track down the information you need and update the file(s)
- For the first day of class:
- Get the date from
- Get the room from using the password from Passwords#EMS(CACroombookings)
- For rooming:
- Get the rooms from using the password from Passwords#EMS(CACroombookings)
- For the first day of class:
- Preview at
- Pages are cached (I believe for 15 minutes), so add ?asdf or something to the URL each time you want to look at it again, making sure to use a unique query string.
- Commit and push your changes (pushing requires you to have an ssh key)
- To learn more about git, see (or Google)