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{excerpt:hidden=true}*System:* One [rigid body] in [pure rotation] or one [point particle] constrained to move in a circle. --- *Interactions:* Any [angular acceleration]. --- *Warning:* The constraint of rotational motion implies [centripetal acceleration] may have to be considered.{excerpt}

h1. Rotational Motion

h4. Description and Assumptions

This model applies to a [rigid body] which is executing [pure rotation] confined to the _xy_ plane about the origin.

h4. Problem Cues

Problems in rotational motion often feature an object which is constrained to rotate about some axle or pivot point.  Additionally, the motion of any rigid body which can be treated using the [Angular Momentum and External Torque about a Single Axis] model can be described as translation of the center of mass plus pure rotation about the center of mass.

h4. Learning Objectives

Students will be assumed to understand this model who can:

* Describe what it means for a system to execute pure rotation.
* Convert from tangential (linear) quantities to the corresponding angular quantities using the radius of the motion.
* Explain the dependence of angular quantities and of tangential quantities describing the motion of a point on the radius of the point from the [axis of rotation].
* Define tangential and centripetal acceleration for an object in rotational motion.
* Relate centripetal acceleration to angular velocity.
* Give an expression for the total [acceleration] of any point in a [rigid body] executing rotational motion in terms of the [angular acceleration] of the body, the [angular velocity] of the body and the radius of the point from the [axis of rotation].
* Summarize the analogies between angular motion with constant angular acceleration and linear motion with constant (linear) acceleration.

h1. Model

h4. Compatible Systems

This model applied to a single [rigid body] or to a single [point particle] constrained to move in a circular path.

h4. Relevant Interactions 

The system will be subject to a position-dependent [centripetal acceleration], and may also be subject to an angular (or equivalently, [tangential|tangential acceleration]) acceleration.

h4. Relevant Definitions


{panel:title=Relationship between Angular and Tangential Quantities|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ \vec{v}_{\rm tan} = \vec{\omega} \times \vec{r} = \omega r \;\hat{\theta}\]
\[ \vec{a}_{\rm tan} = \vec{\alpha}\times \vec{r} = \alpha r \;\hat{\theta}\]\end{large}{latex}{center}{panel}
{panel:title=Centripetal Acceleration|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ \vec{a}_{c} = -\frac{v_{\rm tan}^{2}}{r}\hat{r} = -\omega^{2}r\;\hat{r}\]\end{large}{latex}{center}{panel}
{panel:title=Magnitude of Total Acceleration|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ a = \sqrt{a_{tan}^{2}+a_{c}^{2}} = r\sqrt{\alpha^{2}+\omega^{4}} \]\end{large}{latex}{center}
{note}By definition, _every point_ in an object undergoing [pure rotation] will have the same value for all _angular_ quantities (θ, ω, α).  The linear quantities (_r_, _v_, _a_), however, will vary with position in the object.{note}

h4. Laws of Change

{panel:title=Differential Form|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{d\omega}{dt} = \alpha \]
\[\frac{d\theta}{dt} = \omega\]
{panel:title=Integral Form|bgColor=#FFFFFF}
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ \omega_{f} = \omega_{i} +\int_{t_{i}}^{t_{f}} \alpha \;dt\]
\[ \theta_{f} = \theta_{i} +\int_{t_{i}}^{t_{f}} \omega\;dt\]\end{large}{latex}{center}

{note}Note the analogy between these Laws of Change and those of the [One-Dimensional Motion (General)] model.  Thus, for the case of *constant angular acceleration*, the integral form of these Laws are equivalent to:
{center}{latex}\begin{large}\[ \omega_{f} = \omega_{i} + \alpha(t_{f}-t_{i})\]
\[ \theta_{f} = \theta_{i} + \frac{1}{2}(\omega_{i}+\omega_{f})(t_{f}-t_{i})\]
\[ \theta_{f} = \theta_{i} + \omega_{i}(t_{f}-t_{i}) +\frac{1}{2}\alpha(t_{f}-t_{i})^{2}\]
\[ \omega_{f}^{2} =\omega_{i}^{2} + 2\alpha(\theta_{f}-\theta_{i})\]\end{large}{latex}{center} {note}

h4. Diagrammatic Representations

Consider, as a concrete example, the case where the [angular velocity] is constant, with {*} θ{~}i{~} = 0.5{*},  {*} ω = 5{*}, and {*}t{~}i{~} = 0{*}. Then
{latex}\begin{large} \[ \theta = \theta_{i} + \omega t \]\end{large}{latex}

and Angular Position as a function of time looks like this:
|!Angular Position vs time.PNG!|

Angular Velocity as a function of time looks like this:
|!Angular Velocity vs time.PNG!|

* Angular position versus time graph.
* Angular velocity versus time graph.

h1. Relevant Examples

h4. {toggle-cloak:id=all} All Examples Using the Model

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