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On July 22nd, 2009, CSS Leaders began a three-part series of meetings on the topic of IS&T's Core Products and Services.  We began with "The Great Debate: Core Services," pitting Barbara and Oliver on opposing sides of the question of whether you need to define "Core".  

Please review and comment on the core services debate notes for a rich point/counterpoint from Service Desk veterans.

On August 5, 2009, CSS Leaders continued the discussion by asking what the Guiding Principles should be when determining what IS&T's core services are/should be. 

In the end, we agreed that the April, 2009 "Responsibilities of IS&T" document best defines IS&T's mission and charter, and is the best guide for this work going forward.  We will use this document, and the previously published draft of Core Products and Services, when we meet on August 19th, 2009.

Please review and comments on the rough draft notes from that meeting.

Wiki Markup
August 19, 2009 agenda: Core Services continued...

* Review Guiding Principles

* Live Core Services Wiki [ISTCS:CSS Workspace
** Start with CSS top 5 from
  • Additional Comments on Core Services
  • Feedback on the Core Services Series
  • Meeting
    ** [CSS:Additional Comments on Core Services]
    * [CSS:Feedback on the Core Services Series]
    * Meeting 9/2/09 will be led by Jonathan Hunt and Steve
    September 2, 2009 agenda: Core Services - The Next Chapter...
    Wiki Markup
    * {color:black}Core Services Exercise Overview \[5 minutes\]
    Wiki Markup
    * {color:black}Review the 3 What’s from the last session \[5 minutes\]
    Wiki Markup
    * {color:black}Enumerate the What’s for the final 3 items \[60 minutes\]
    ** {color:black}Mobility, Software Services,
    Athena Wiki Markup
    * {color:black}Next Steps \[20 minutes\]
  • What’s missing?
  • How does the CSS list become part of the IS&T list
  • How will this be utilized
    ** {color:black}What’s missing?{color}
    ** {color:black}How does the CSS list become part of the IS&T list{color}
    ** {color:black}How will this be utilized (e.g., funding, resources, etc.)
    Next meeting
    ** Next meeting agenda: Core Services again?
    September 16, 2009 agenda:
    • wrap up on core services and next steps (10 minutes) - assignments to draft the "How" due back Oct 14
      • Providing IT operating environment - Chuck (DS), TBD SD (include Mobile), Patrick McNeal (needs to be contacted)
      • Providing consultative services, development and IT expertise ... local IT needs - Mike (DS), Jeff (DS), Jon (FSX - tbd which one), Tom (ITSS)
      • Easy to use interface for purchase and repair of hardware - Chris (SD), Chuck (DS)
      • Athena: managed computing environment - FSX, OIS, ISDA (Jon Hunt to get participants)
      • Providing cost-effective SW solutions - Paul (HQ), Cynthia/Sharon, SWRT, Alex (FSX)
    • CSS Roundtable (75 minutes)
      • each member will present for one minute, updating the group on an initiative that they are leading (for example, the update could focus on work that crosses organizational boundaries, changes the user experience, or has significant resource or financial impact)
    • each member will take Q&A for two minutes

    September 30, 2009 CANCELLED due to conflict with Infinite Mile Awards.

    October 14, 2009 agenda:

    Notes from October 28, 2009: Core Services Continued 10-28-2009

    Notes from December 9, 2009: CSS Leaders Meeting rethink 12-09-2009

    On January 6, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows: CSS Leaders Notes 1-6-2010

    • Lunch/socializing (15 minutes)
    • Update from Barbara (15 minutes)
    • Software release open discussion - Pat/Deb (15 minutes)
    • Project initiation open discussion - Steve Winig (15 minutes)
    • Budget update - Anne (15 minutes)
    • Brainstorm 1-2 agenda items for next meeting (5 minutes)

    On February 3, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows: CSS Leaders Notes 2-3-2010

    • Lunch/Socialize (15 minutes)
    • Update from Pat (15 minutes)
    • Project Management Discussion - Steve Winig will Facilitate (30 minutes) 
    • Brainstorm agenda topics (15 minutes)

    On March 3, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows:

    • Lunch/Socialize
    • Updates from Barbara
    • Share and Discuss CSS Resource Model Ideas - Irina
    • Share and Discuss PM Ideas - Steve
    Other Topics to be Explored

    "CSS Pipeline Planning and Coordination"

    It is often a struggle to allocate resources across teams.  The real challenge becomes prioritizing the work and feeling like we can effectively respond to requests.  So, anicpating some some trail and error, CSS could attempt to instituted a weekly pipeline meeting where we look at current work and planned work over the next month to 6 weeks.  CSS HQ could lead this effort. It is a forum to discuss deadlines, slippage, reshuffling of priorities due to "emergencies", and problems in juggling work that a team might want advice or feedback on.  The result of each agenda is a series of action items for particular staff.  The meeting would focus on resource allocation, as opposed to addressing particular approaches or solutions.

    To start, all CSS managers could be present for this meeting, as well as designated team members (usually team leads).  But we can experimenting with rotating attendance from the teams to have some fresh minds at the table, particularly when their project is going to be a priority over the coming months.

    Feedback on CSS Themes and Goals from All Hands Meeting October 2, 2009. Themes and Goals Feedback
    * wrap up on core services and next steps (10 minutes) - assignments to draft the "How" due back Oct 14
    ** Providing IT operating environment - *Chuck (DS)*, TBD SD (include Mobile), Patrick McNeal (needs to be contacted)
    ** Providing consultative services, development and IT expertise ... local IT needs - *Mike (DS)*, Jeff (DS), Jon (FSX - tbd which one), Tom (ITSS)
    ** Easy to use interface for purchase and repair of hardware - *Chris (SD)*, Chuck (DS)
    ** Athena: managed computing environment - FSX, OIS, ISDA (*Jon Hunt* to get participants)
    ** Providing cost-effective SW solutions - *Paul (HQ),* Cynthia/Sharon, SWRT, Alex (FSX)
    * CSS Roundtable (75 minutes)
    ** each member will present for one minute, updating the group on an initiative that they are leading (for example, the update could focus on work that crosses organizational boundaries, changes the user experience, or has significant resource or financial impact)
    * each member will take Q&A for two minutes
    {color:#000000}September 30, 2009 CANCELLED due to conflict with Infinite Mile Awards.{color}
    October 14, 2009 agenda:
    * [The "how's" of Athena|fsx:Defining Athena]
    * [The "how" of providing consultative services, development and IT expertise ... local IT needs|CSS:The "how" of providing consultative services]
    * [The "hows" of providing an IT Operating Environment]
    * [CSS:The "hows" of providing cost effective software solutions]
    * [The "hows” of providing an easy to use interface for purchase and repair of hardware]
    Notes from October 28, 2009: [Core Services Continued 10-28-2009|CSS:Core Services Continued 10-28-2009]
    Notes from December 9, 2009: [CSS Leaders Meeting rethink 12-09-2009|CSS Leaders Meeting RETHINK 12-09-2009]
    On January 6, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows: [CSS Leaders Notes 1-6-2010|CSS:CSS Leaders Notes 1-6-2010]
    * Lunch/socializing (15 minutes)
    * Update from Barbara (15 minutes)
    * Software release open discussion - Pat/Deb (15 minutes)
    * Project initiation open discussion - Steve Winig (15 minutes)
    * Budget update - Anne (15 minutes)
    * Brainstorm 1-2 agenda items for next meeting (5 minutes)
    On February 3, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows: [CSS Leaders Notes 2-3-2010|CSS:CSS Leaders Notes 2-3-2010]
    * Lunch/Socialize (15 minutes)
    * Update from Pat (15 minutes)
    * Project Management Discussion - Steve Winig will Facilitate (30 minutes) 
    * Brainstorm agenda topics (15 minutes)
    On March 3, 2010 the proposed agenda is as follows:
    * Lunch/Socialize
    * Updates from Barbara
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    * AUX -- Training and Publications Executive Summary Presentation (40 minutes)
    * Agenda Items Brainstorm (10 minutes)
    h5. *Other Topics to be Explored*
    *"CSS Pipeline Planning and Coordination"*
    It is often a struggle to allocate resources across teams.&nbsp; The real challenge becomes prioritizing the work and feeling like we can effectively respond to requests.&nbsp; So, anicpating some some trail and error, CSS could attempt to instituted a weekly pipeline meeting where we look at current work and planned work over the next month to 6 weeks.&nbsp; CSS HQ could lead this effort. It is a forum to discuss deadlines, slippage, reshuffling of priorities due to "emergencies", and problems in juggling work that a team might want advice or feedback on.&nbsp; The result of each agenda is a series of action items for particular staff.&nbsp; The meeting would focus on resource allocation, as opposed to addressing particular approaches or solutions.
    To start, all CSS managers could be present for this meeting, as well as designated team members (usually team leads).&nbsp; But we can experimenting with rotating attendance from the teams to have some fresh minds at the table, particularly when their project is going to be a priority over the coming months.
    Feedback on CSS Themes and Goals from All Hands Meeting October 2, 2009. [CSS:Themes and Goals Feedback]