Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Users didn't know to "drag-and-drop". Many thought that the note selection was moded.
  • There was no option for a dot on a note.
  • "Speak" when recording audio was not a clear word. Many users tried to say "cee" instead of singing it.
  • First user did not edit the name of the composition
  • "Save" was not clear (and was hidden for non-Android users).
  • Rests were not available
  • It was not possible to save from playback modeArrows on 
  • The "more notes" carat was not clear to users.
  • Meter was not clear, placing bars didn't make sense to users.
  • Many users were confused by the "Speak Now" interface. Unfortunately, this is provided by the OS and we cannot change it.

Our general observations were that:

  • Many users did not understand the drag-and-drop interface.  This may have been influenced by the paper prototyping (users are much more likely to touch a phone screen than gently arranged pieces of paper).  However, once they figured it out, navigation and note placement was very clear.
  • Many users, especially non-Android phone owners, did not understand the usage of the built-in Menu button. This made saving and successful navigation extremely difficult.
  • Once users had seen each screen once and understood the general workflow, navigation was deft and easy.  Since the time required to get to this point diminished greatly by the 6th user (after several design iterations), we believe that the current design is very effective.  Although most phone application users have a low tolerance for confusing workflows, we believe that the "time to fluency" with our application design is low enough that it will be successful.

We have also included a public document that lists the raw observations and iterative design changes that we made as we went through each user test.
