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Predictions for the future are hard to make.

Clay Shirky

Exploration.. From our current Bearings to the Future

Desk top ownership down 71 - 41 %
laptop 65 - 88%
More than 90% use

  • library
  • presentation Software
  • Social NEtworking
  • Text Messaging

Withing a year 63% will have smart phones

2 new blogs, 7 computers sold, 1347 youtube

Facbook is the most populous country in the world

(250 million)

Per month-- 66 thousand years of time on Social Networking.

In the Cloud

Drigo, Live Audience , Zoho, and many tother tools.

Zephyr Teach out.. Washington Post

Cringley - Higher could be like Itunes.

The Wired Campus - PBS NPR have lectures on line.

Will Amazon do it?

Drivers – Technology and Constructivism

New Drivers – Mobile Technology, Cloud Technology, NetGens (Social Networking)

Learning - Formal - informal - Virtual

Whole campus is part of the whole fabric

What is an environment

  • Sense of place and purpose
  • Anywhere anytime any place
  • Mix of planned and unplanned
  • Range of participants, Systems and forces
  • Dynamic flux of roles

Learning resources practices spaces

Classrooms - old Chalkboards, Overhead.

new Dynamic , Connected Participatory and unpredictable.

Participatory - unpredictability


  • HUman factors
  • Verbs no nouns
  • Community Infrainstructure
  • Multipurpose rooms
  • Participation-enabling design
  • Tech outfitting


Design, Perception, Cost Support, Distraction, Assessment

Multi purpose rooms

Technology Trends

Presentation Capture, Video Conferencing, Display Technology

Organic _LED


Good Design is hard to find

Design Everyday Things - Don Norman





(MultiUse Flexible Space!!

Sustainable Space

Integrated Formal and informal spaces

Smart Environements

Flexible, Accessible

  • What do you want to do with Technology

Factors driving learning space design

Emerging Trends

Educause review – interaction Age – Andrew MIlne

Building a learning community - introduces each other
Establishes a pattern of behaviour - Ask for help
Review Prereq material .. - Build the material together
Assessing student knowledge
Student -led discussion.

Fluid TEchnology - Whiteboard
Build the content vs delivering it

Definition of teaching

The purposeful structuring of experiences from which students cannot escape without learning..

Reconsidering Pedagogical Approaches

Focus on social constructivism
Situated Peer-to-peer learning
Ubiquitous networked devices
Low-cost high resolution


Faculty led presentation – student "co-learning"

Space + Activity = place

freehand sketching/ writing

Define the problem well.