- Overall Timing and Reader Recommendation Reminder: We are ALMOST done.
- BLW asks timing from those still reading
- Review status
- 595 Complete Folders out of 628 submitted. 595 compares to 532 last year (out of 561 submitted).
- 258 Probably Reject
- 280 Admissible and sent to Sectors
- 42 need BAM to assign readers/GAC decision (hope to have these today!)
- 15 need GAC to finish reviews
- 595 Complete Folders out of 628 submitted. 595 compares to 532 last year (out of 561 submitted).
- Review rejected URM & Female candidates
- BLW to project list of URM and Female and discuss real time
- Sector meetings being scheduled:
- BAM remind GAC members of role in mtg. BAM collect from Meetings top candidates that aren't picked up, and consider them for TAs/Fellowships.
- BLW solicits best practices or problems in Sector Admissions meetings (open discussion)
- BAM and BLW to meet with EM regarding fellowships later in January
- Any comments on the process, suggested changes for the future?
- Any problems with the transcripts?
- Timeline going forward FYI:
- January 25, 2016: All folders completed (final, must be done)
- First Week of February, 2016: Final review meeting? TBD
- Sector Admissions Meetings: TBD, week of February 8-12
- Week of February 22, 2016: Students notified of admissions decisions - all admissions out by March 1, 2016
- March 11, 2016: Open house: open to suggestions for improvement!
BLW notes:
Request for India, China school guidance.
è Beth historical to pull historical admits per school for both countries. BLW to ask Hamsa (India) & Qiqi (China) for something quantitative and annotated
Requst for GPA guidance from strange schools (Univ.CollegeLondon and Univ. of Stellenbosch were examples).
è BLW and BM discussed and we already ask candidates for GPA explanation. Some don’t, and suffer the consequences.
A hypothesis was raised that we aren’t seeing a lot of applicants from CalTech, Stanford, CMU
è BM will pull historical data on those schools and we’ll consider action. NB Stanford has no Aero UG program
Need to size Grad admit pool
è BLW email Eytan on # survey. BLW emphasize prep for Sector mtgs in later email
Best practices in Sector meetings are to focus on Advisor matching. Process is to align faculty with students they want to admit/fund, circle back later to highly ranked not admitted candidates, as well as F and URM
è BLW email and talk to Zolti about this