When designing fins for our rocket, we chose to make foam fins with a two ply carbon fiber layup over the top. The fins will be light, because they have a foam interior, and strong due to the carbon fiber layup.

To make the sandwich panel fin layups, follow these steps:

  1. Cut foam to the right shape and thickness (foam cutters and laser cutters work well)
  2. Sand the fin edges to create an airfoil shape (about a 45 degree angle)
  3. Cut two pieces of carbon fiber fabric per fin that are exactly the same shape of the fin
  4. Cut two pieces of carbon fiber fabric per fin that have a 1.5" overhang for all the fin edges. The fin tab (the part of the fin that connects to the fin can) should not have an overhang.
  5. Start by laying up the cloth with tabs and folding over the edges of the fins first
  6. Place an exact shape piece on the opposite side of the fin, and lay up this piece
  7. Flip the fin back to the first side and lay up an exact shape piece of carbon fiber
  8. Flip the fin to the second side and lay up a piece of carbon fiber with tabs
  9. Use mylar or hold the layup in your hands to keep it from sticking to the layup surface
  10. Follow sandwich panel procedures to vacuum bag the fins.

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