Review status
-773 Complete Folders out of 796 submitted. (this includes 23 LGO applications, 4 WHOI applications and 10 CSE applications.) 773 compares to 715 last year. 
-53 Probably Reject
-235 Admissible and sent to Sectors
-92 still need GAC review completed
-BAM is not caught up on assignment/tagging as of now (385 behind) but will prioritize tagging/assigning today and complete.
ReviewProbableRejectURM & Female candidates
-BLW asks GAC for any they'd like to discuss?
-BLW to project list of URM and Female and review in real time 
Sector Admissions Meetings being scheduled: 
-BAM remind GAC members of role in mtg.  
-BAM collect from Meetings top candidates that aren't picked up, and consider them for TAs/Fellowships
Fellowships: xxx/yyy/Balakrishnan/BAM will make decisions. Meeting schedule for that TBD
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