•Review status
-1052 Complete Folders out of 1080 submitted. (this includes 37 LGO applications, likely *~6 WHOI applications and 15 CSE applications.) 1052 compares to 773 last year. 
-145 Probable Reject
-268 Admissible and sent to Sectors
-111 folders left to be finished by GAC. Please finish all reviews over the weekend that are not already tagged "admissible".
-528 (+ the pending 111) still need BAM to bin and tag - working on it!
•ReviewProbableRejectURM & Female candidates
-JP asks GAC for any they'd like to discuss?
-BAM to project list of URM and Female and review in real time 
-BAM to project list of all other applicants with large discrepancies who are on the bubble
•Sector Admissions Meetings being scheduled: 
-BAM remind GAC members of role in mtg.  
-BAM collect from Meetings top candidates that aren't picked up, and consider them for TAs/Fellowships
•Fellowships: xxx/yyy/Balakrishnan/Sector Heads/BAM will make decisions. Meeting schedule for that TBD.
*WHOI applicants still need to be added - we just got the final list today
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