GAC Kick-Off Meeting Notes (November 5, 2012)

-Proposed efficiency changes to URM/Women, tie-breaker, and "0 & 1" GAC-level application processing agreed to. Policies on wiki-homepage.

-Limiting reader assignment suggestions to 2 by GAC reviewers discussed - it was agreed that GAC readers will be thoughtful and err on the side of fewer reader suggestions where possible, but in some cases, esp. 3.5+ cases, more reviewers will be suggested.

-It was suggested that B. Marois look into whether or not the "review" interface is searchable - good news - it is! Using the attribute "review: searchterm"

-It was suggested by K. Willcox that B. Wardle makes a presentation at an upcoming faculty lunch. Suggested topics for discussion included: Confidentiality of application folders, URM/women application process/recruiting via our graduate students, GradApply search tips, reminder of overall process and timing. K. Willcox to discuss with W/GA^3

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