Prototype Photos
Prototype Version 1
1. Home
1. Dog Information |
2. Search
1. Search Bar |
4. Profile
5. Schedule
1. Calendar |
6. Invitation Response
1. Invitation Info |
7. Review Page
To review a previous meetup with a specific dog |
8. Meet-Up
A list of dogs previously met-up with to schedule a new meet-up. |
This application is intended to find and schedule meetups with other dogs in your locality. For this scenario, you may assume:
- You have already created a profile for your dog.
- You are currently logged into the website.
Scenario Tasks
1. Accept/Reject the invitation from 'Lassy'
2. Search for dogs in your locality, and schedule a meetup with 'Cupcake'
3. Review a previous meetup with 'Allen'
Users' Feedback:
User 1 :
- Show current date in the calendar for scheduling a meetup* Separate date from time. It’s ambiguous. Possibly put it on the next line
- Location field could be a pop-up of map when scheduling an event
- Misspelling a letter might cause a situation
- Also users might not know exact location -> Placeholder should support exact and similar locations
- Default message of invitation helps user to understand he/she is expected to send
- Review meetup. Buttons looked like pictures
- Change history to past events
- Switch upcoming meetings to the left
User 2:
- Accept/Reject Page : Availability is not obvious
- Hitting Calendar for “Meet up”
- Hit’s previous meetups title for meetup
User 3:
- Hit Meetup -> cupcake to review Allen (mistake)
- Hit History title/Review to review => affordance not good.
User 4:
- Calendar on Schedule meetup(Not clear whose calendar)
- Show both people’s calendar on schedule Meet-up
- If privacy a concern, show only free/busy info
- No need of profile on the home page. IMP
- Bump up Previous/History to top of home page. make it more visible
- Unclear where the comments in review went
- In case of negative comments, don’t show the commenter’s name
- Show ratio / % of people who metup and who left comments - sign of good dog (but people could be lazy)
- Important to decide how to handle negative ratings (need to decide)
- One possibility is owners can see only positive reviews/comments
- Autocomplete map and date time entries on the schedule meetup page
- Javascript for modal pop-up for map and date-time on meetup schedule (this can be prototyped using pop ups in the paper prototype)
Summary of Users' Feedback:
Home Page
- History section is not obvious, and links to reviews need better affordance
- Profile Info is not necessary on home page
Find Page
- Search bar placeholder shouldn't only show an address
- Search bar should have autocomplete for better efficiency
Schedule Page
- Unclear which of the two dog's calendars are being shown.
- Calendar needs to indicate the current day
- Separate the time text field from the date text field
- Use autocomplete and/or a modal popup for Location to improve efficiency
Review Page
- Unclear where the reviews are going after posting
- Negative reviews should not be shown
Second Iteration
Profile Page
- It is unclear what the buttons on the list of upcoming events leads to
- Home page is too cluttered. He suggested removing the calendar and just keeping the list, or having a tab where you can toggle between list view in calendar just like how are search page is with the map
Prototype Iteration
Changes from the initial iteration to the second iteration
1. Home Page
- Remove profile
- Schedule a meetup by clicking the upcoming calendar
- Remove affordance for history
- Switch upcoming meetings to the left
- Change history to past events
Before |
After |
2. Find Page
- Placeholder should support exact and similar locations
Before |
After |
3. Schedule Page
- Show both calendars, or show busy/free information
- Autocomplete Map, Date and Time entries on the schedule page or popups
- Buttons look like pictures
- Separate date from time. It’s ambiguous. Possibly put it on the next line
- Show current date
Before |
After |
4. Profile
- Don’t show commenters name if they are negative
- Show ratio of people who met up and who left comments
- Owners can only see positive/negative reviews
Before |
After |