This is a listing of all equipment in Soljacic laboratories.

Phone for lab 36-228 is 617-324-1432

Rules for usage of this Wiki and equipment in the lab:

* If you lend out a piece of equipment, you must update the "Current Location" to reflect this change.

* If you purchase a new piece of equipment (over ~ $1000), it is your responsibility to create a page for it, and create a link to it below.

Please email if you need to find out who is the current user of a piece of equipment that appears to be in use

Photodetectors 600 MHz

Agiltron Delay Stage 

Room 36-228 

General Optics

Mitutoyo Objectives


Misc Optics

Bandpass filter

Fiber Optic Variable Optical Delay Line – Motor Driven

Optical Isolator

Scanning Fabry-Perot

Lens kit

Variable Beam Expander

Notch filters

Controller for Scanning Fabry-Perot

Nonlinear Crystals

Optical Modulator

Bragg Mirror

Variable Polarization Coupler/Splitter


Lasers &Sources

349nm Nd-YLF laser

808nm 40W pump laser

Laser diodes

Diode Controllers

Quanta Ray Laser

Supercontinuum Source

IR Tunable Laser633nm HeNe LaserFemtoFiber ultra 780Laser CrystalsCarbite + OPATunable External Cavity Laser 

632.8nm 25mW Polarized HeNe Laser

Detectors & Analyzers


Optical Spectrum Analyzer


Laser Energy Sensor

SWIR Camera

Power Meters

Beam Profiler & Reducer

Gauss/Tesla Meter0-600 MHz Photodetector

UV Camera - High Energy Detection

8K VIS camera

Pyroelectric THz Sensor


Soldering Station

Rotation Stage and Controller

Optical Tables

Heavy-load rotation stage and controller

xArm7 Robotic Arm


DC Power Supply

GPIB controller


Lock-In Amplifier

High-performance 100 MHz Differential Amplifier


Piezo Controller

High Voltage Probes

Current Probes

Oscilloscope Probe

Function Generator


Temperature Controller

Switching Power Supply

Network Analyzer


Room 36-362 & 36-344



Ultrasonic Cleaner

Analytical Balance

Heating jacket & Temp Controller 

Vacuum Pump

Spin coater

Hot plate & stirrer

Cube Clear Vacuum Chambers

Multi-Position Stir Plate



Analytical Balance

DI-water filter

pH meter 


Chemical Inventory

Flammables Fridge/Freezer

Muffle Furnace

Yoel Fink


Audio Interface

Digital Sound Meter

High Voltage Supply

LCR Meter


Omnidirectional Measurement Condenser Microphone

Room 26-352

Microwave Equipments

Lens Antenna (8.2 - 12.4 GHz)

Lens Antenna (11.9 - 18 GHz)

Rotational Stage

Network Analyzer

Microwave Absorber

calibration kit

2D Profiler

Power Strips, BNC Cables(RG-58, 50 ohms, 6 ft.)

 Vendor Links