1. Overview test
  2. Quantify failure rate
    1. Look at piston testing logs. Push to FireBolt Wiki
    2. Message Maddie and Jiaheng
  3. Causes
    1. too much bp
    2. air bubbles
    3. had already set and was brittle
    4. Previous compounded by heat
    5. Epoxy could have been over the e-match
    6. Contact those with epoxy expertise
    7. Shard on outside popped off
  4. Solutions
    1. Do nothing
      1. What is an acceptable failure rate?
    2. longer bolts
    3. smaller hole
      1. insert through the wires
    4. hydrostatic testing
      1. Contact Dave or Ethan
      2. Test all old ones to get distribution
      3. Test the one that fired to get a passing value
    5. Qualify piston to operate with this failure
      1. Test with hole
    6. Saw a few fired ones in half
    7. Thinner resin
    8. slower setting resin
    9. stronger resin
  5. Plan
    1. Saw in half. Saw nylon bolts.
      1. Talk to Mathew Campbell about epoxy. Ask about different resins and what he thinks was the cause.
      2. Ask about threading and length
    2. Hydostatic test all fired and unfired, burn them first
      1. Talk to Ethan and maybe Dave
      2. Have some fun with statistics
    3. Find minimum hole size
    4. Make more firebolts, work with some else
      1. hydrostatic test them
      2. poke head out a little more
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