
Ms. Frizzle’s 3rd grade is going ice skating!  Ms. Frizzle needs to obtain signed permission slips from all her students’ parents. From past experience, Ms. Frizzle knows this task is going to be a hassle, especially due to forgetful Arnold who always forgets to give his parents permission slips. Even if Arnold does remember to give the permission slip to his parents, they can forget to sign it. And even if they do, Arnold can forget to bring the signed slips back to school. This used to be very frustrating for poor Ms. Frizzle and disappointing for Arnold to miss the exciting class outings and watch the Magic School Bus leave without him. But now, the school has adopted this outstanding system design by ConnectEd. So, Ms. Frizzle goes to her computer and opens ConnectEd. This allows her to create a permission slip and send it to the students’ parents online. The parents can then sign the permission slip online as well.  Furthermore, Ms. Frizzle can be notified, in advance, if some parents haven’t yet signed the slips or if parents have questions. Ms. Frizzle will also be notified at the point all the parents have signed. Reminders can also be sent to the parents so that they don’t forget to sign it.

Individual Sketches

Ido's designs and sketches

Jing's designs and sketches

Philippe's designs and sketches

Talya's designs and sketches


Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (

    • Scenario: Great concrete scenario
    • Preliminary and storyboard designs:
      • Great individual designs coming together to produce three interesting, different storyboards.
      • Solid usability analysis

    Feedback from the weekend

    This scenario is missing the whole problem of a communication channel between teachers and parents - that is, parents are only able to respond with a 'yes' or 'no', but can't ask questions to the teacher.

    Your designs seem like they will extend well to other kinds of communication - about behavior, assignments or grades. Might want to explore these, however, as they might call for some specific UI features that would really improve usability.

    • Design 1
      • Great clean design, with clear affordances (drop-down lists) and information scent (nav bar labels)
      • Think about CRUD for the permission slip - what if the teacher wants to update the form?
    • Design 2
      • Good alternative design with a different kind of information scent - icons instead of text
      • Interesting that creation and viewing appear in pop-ups - might want to rethink WHERE the pop-up appears relative to the rest of the page
      • Not clear why the parent's UI is so different from the teacher's, since they basically communicate about the same information
    • Design 3
      • Small screen is a great extreme to design for
      • Basically design 1 for a mobile device - looks good to me