
Group Members

Team China

  • Rachel Fong
  • Thomas Hu
  • David Somach
  • TA: Tsung-Hsiang (Sean) Chang

Problem Statement

The current course scheduling options for MIT students are the WebSIS subject listing and While both of these interfaces are somewhat usable on their own, they do not incorporate information necessary for students to make informed decisions, such as course evaluations and degree requirements. Students are currently forced to consult each of these services separately, which is time-consuming and confusing.

Target Users

MIT undergraduates wanting to choose their course schedules given their degree requirements and knowledge from student evaluations

Proposed Solution

We are developing a simple, cross-platform interface to consolidate all the information necessary for MIT students to make informed decision about their courseloads:# subject search

  1. course scheduler
  2. degree requirements & completion
  3. course evaluations
  4. related courses

GR1 - Task Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Your computer prototype is a bit too sketchy. I can imagine many useful metadata that should be listed with each course.

    The calendar view and the course list feel like two separate systems. It would be better if they can be integrated tightly.

    Many minor usability problems, e.g. double scroll bars, weird color on the navigation links.