

Prelim Payload Goals/Purpose:


Using the acceleration of the rocket to simulate a high gravity environment to complete an experiment in a unique setting that is hard to achieve under other circumstances


Yeast is affected by changes in acceleration, but it seems that the time scale required is not realistic for our purposes (rocket launch to touchdown is on the order of 1 minute, the above papers study 10s and 100s of minutes)


Materials of Experiment: 

  • Vessel
  • Grounds
  • Water
  • Testing Equipment 

Design Concerns and Considerations:

  • Containment:
    • Keep grounds + water in container
    • Coffee says isolated
  • Rocket Orientation/Descent 
    • Can we continue to contain the experiment-
      • Descent rate
      • Orientation (upside down, sideways)
      • Impact
  • Evaluation of Success:
    • Semi-immediate results/data
  • Heating/Water temp- 

Possible Development of a cold brew design?

  • No labels