Recap of what has been done since last meeting.
5A - MIT versus public perMIT release issue, internal coordination needed
Rest is in scope
The numbers above refer to Jim's email sent on 2/09/2009:Below, I've begun an outline with the major components of the existing Roles DB.
I think the outline will be a useful starting point for a discussion on the
scope of the perMIT project.
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Major components of the Roles Database
(Jim Repa - 2/9/2009)
I. Oracle database tables and views
A. Core tables and views (used to store Authorizations, People, Functions,
Qualifiers and related data)
B. Tables and views for implied authorizations and rules
C. Tables with configuration data related to the old PowerBuilder
D. Tables with configuration data related to the new web-based
replacement for the PowerBuilder application
E. Miscellaneous tables and views for MIT-specific data
II. Oracle database stored procedures
A. Stored procedures for generic functions
B. Stored procedures used only by the PowerBuilder application
C. Stored procedures used for web services and the new web-based
III. Data feed programs
A. Data feed programs for receiving qualifiers from external sources
B. Data feed programs that send authorization-related data out to SAP
C. Data feed programs related to processing implied authorizations
D. Miscellaneous data feed programs for notification, maintenance, and
IV. User interfaces
A. Old PowerBuilder application, used for maintaining Authorizations and
B. New web-based replacement for PowerBuilder application (for
maintaining Authorizations)
C. Rolesweb
1. Various read-only CGI scripts for viewing authorizations,
audit trail, and related data
2. Web interface for maintaining Qualifiers (used by a small set of
administrators to maintain qualifiers of only a few Qualifier Types.
Most Qualifiers are fed automatically from other sources.)
3. Web interface for maintaining Implied Authorization Rules
4. Database administrator's scripts, for maintaining database users,
and maintaining some data-feed parameters
D. "Missing" UI features:
Some rarely-changed data objects (qualifier_types, function_categories,
function parent/child relations) can only be maintained by the
system administrator by directly SQL Insert, Delete, and Update
V. Web services
A. Old web services (UAWS) used by undergrad admissions (only used for
looking up authorizations. Web service methods are too stripped down
to be of general use)
B. Superset of web servides (ROLESWS) used by Libraries,
and Roles UI. (Multiple methods for looking up authorizations,
creating/updating/deleting authorizations, and related functionality)