This is a listing of all equipment in the laboratory for lab 36-228 ( Tel: 617-324-1432 ).
Rules for usage of this Wiki and equipment in the lab:
* If you lend out a piece of equipment, you must update the "Current Location" to reflect this change.
* If you purchase a new piece of equipment (over ~ $1000), it is your responsibility to create a page for it, and create a link to it below.
Please email if you need to find out who is the current user of a piece of equipment that appears to be in use
Room 36-228 |
General Optics |
Lasers &Sources |
Detectors & Analyzers |
Mechanics |
Electronics |
Room 36-362 |
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="aea05d32-a464-4516-b700-0ecb487f9299"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ |
Physical |
[abinitio:Centrifuge] |
[abinitio:Ultrasonic Cleaner] |
abinitio:Analytical Balance] |
[abinitio:Hot plate & stirrer] |
[Heating jacket & Temp Controller |
Heating jacket & Temp controller] |
[abinitio:Vacuum Pump] |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
Spin coater |
Chemical |
Yoel Fink |
group |
High Voltage Supply |
Power Strips, BNC Cables(RG-58, 50 ohms, 6 ft.)