Sam is the CEO of a new fashion startup that provides a weekly newsletter with fashion recommendations. His company is in private beta, so people come to his site to request an invitation. He gets dozens of requests a day and he spends his morning going through the requests.This means thoroughly vetting the requester to see if they would be a good beta customer, and looking into the potential customers interests in order to best address their needs. He looks these potential customers up on ContactLens to find out information he would normally get from searching google, twitter, facebook, and linkedin. By the middle of the day he has moved through his requests and chosen the best customers for his product.
The second half of his day is spent trying to deal with potential investors, getting them interested in his newsletter product. He goes onto ContactLens and looks at his list of contacts who are investors. From here he can easily see who he has already talked to and whether or not he has had a formal meeting with them. He uses ContactLens to build credibility with these investors by engaging with them on social media. He spends the first few hours of the day working on building new relationships and reminding investors he is working with about his product (keeping him at the top of their minds). He spends the final part of his day looking at the investors who he has already had a fair amount of contact with. ContactLens lets him see his history of interactions with each investor, making it easy for him to follow up via email, phone call, or meeting request.