perMIT daily:
Vijay asks about implied authorizations:
- Jim completed the diagrams mentioned yesterday, now appearing "Tables and Views in Roles Database" (last modified 2/17/2009
- Jam and Vijay to meet Peter M. on Thursday
- OPS will install the Oracle DB instance on Vijay's Linux VM?
- later create racked VM for Roles dev instance?
- Jim - needs to add master department hierarchy model to above document, to be done today.
- Inventory of stored procedures, early next week
Review current timeline Goals (should be doing this each week):
Feb 27: (7 days left)
- Dev instance of Roles DB
- Schema review
- Draft of schema proposed changes
- Inventory and categorization of stored procedures
- Use cases (stories)
- Draft of glossary
March 31: (22 days)
- Inventory of inbound data feeds
- Inventory of outbound data feeds
- Dev instance of perMIT on MySQL
- Tables / schema
- Some stored procedure functionality completed (% TBD)
- Some inbound data feeds completed (%TBD)
- Documentation
- Sample data creation
- Unit testing
April 30: (21 days)
- Continued work on stored procedure functionality
- Continued work on inbound data feeds
- Revisit Schema/tables requirements (2 days)
- Roles Web Service functionality
- Documentation
- Sample data creation
- Unit testing
- Porting of existing Roles CGI programs
- Jim gone for one week
- Mike (internet2 members meeting)
May 29: (20 days)
- Completion of inbound feeds
- Completion of stored procedure functionality
- Documentation
- Packaging decisions
- Functional testing
- Testing of existing Roles CGI programs
June 30:(22 days)
- Completion of Roles Web service functionality
- Functional testing
- Testing of existing Roles CGI Programs
- Packaging
- Documentation
- CAMP (authorization management) MG? perMIT presentation?
Post June:
- Master dept org hierarchy related work
- Outbound data feeds
Discussion about the first pass at use cases:
Use cases add one word summaries:
(add, delete, delegate, audit reporting,...)
In use cases substutute "permission" where "authorization" is currently used
Discussion about terminology
Authorization-triple ==> A-spec
Permission "joe can spend money on account 3435"
Authorization "the act of testing a permission / privilege"
Qualifier can be associated with only some functions within a category
Qualifier can be associated with functions across categories.
Role "joe is an EHS departmental coordinator for the depart of biology"
perMIT is an authority system
Micheal to provide the XML that was in Signet that exposed a bunch of the relationships in the data model...