IAA | International Academy of Astronautics |
IAC | International Advisory Committee |
IAC | Institute Awards Convocation |
IACME | Industrial Advisory Council of Minority Education |
IAIA | International Association for Impact Assessment |
IAMAP | International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics |
IAP | Independent Activities Period |
IASC | Institute Archives and Special Collections |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
iCampus | MIT-Microsoft Alliance |
ICAN | Institute Career Assistance Network |
ICAT | International Center for Air Transportation |
ICC | International Coordinating Committee |
ICE | Information and Control Engineering Laboratory |
ICRMOT | International Center for Research on the Management of Technology |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IDEAS | Innovation, Development, Enterprise, Action, and Service (student program for public service projects) |
IDDS | International Development Design Summit |
IDF | International Development Forum |
IDG | International Development Group (with Urban Studies and Planning) |
IDI | International Development Initiative |
IDRP | International Development and Regional Planning |
IDM | Integrated Design and Management (track in SDM) |
IDSS | Institute for Data, Systems, and Society |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IESL | Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFC | Interfraternity Council |
IFNP | International Food and Nutrition Program |
iGEM | intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine |
IGERT | Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship |
iHouse | International House for Global Leadership |
IHTFP | I Hate This F$%&*+G Place. Also: I Have Truly Found Paradise, I Help Tutor Freshman Physics, Institute Has the Finest Professors, It's Hard to Fondle Penguins, I Have To Forever Pay. See http://www.mit.edu/people/mjbauer/ihtfp.html for more. |
IIE | Institute of Industrial Engineers |
IIT | Italian Institute of Technology |
iLabNotebook | An electronic laboratory notebook |
ILC | Institute Library Catalogue (Libraries) |
ILG | Independent Living Group |
ILO | Industrial Liaison Office (old name of what is now the Industrial Liaison Program) |
ILP | Industrial Liaison Program |
ILTFP | I Love This F****** Place |
IM | Intramural (sports) |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
iMOAT | A suite of web-based services for online writing assessment |
IMVP | International Motor Vehicles Programs |
INCOSE | International Council on Systems Engineering |
Infinite Corridor | A quarter-mile hallway through the heart of the Institute (ground floor of buildings 7, 3, 10, 4 and 8) |
INFORMS | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory |
InSar | Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar |
INSITE | Institutional Space and Inventory Techniques |
IOC | Institute Office of Communications |
IOM | Institute of Medicine |
IP | Intellectual Property (generic term) |
IP | Internet Protocol e.g. "IP address" |
IPAP | Institute Personal Assistance Program |
IPC | Industrial Performance Center |
IPC | Information Processing Center |
IPhO | International Physics Olympiad |
IPO | Intellectual Property Office |
IPOP | Interim Planning Overlay Permit |
IPP | International People Placement |
IPS | Information Processing Services (old) |
iQuarium | A colorful, interactive aquarium display screen, a project of iCampus |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
IREX | International Research and Exchanges Board |
Iris Project | Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems (a project among MIT, the University of California at Berkeley, the International Computer Science Institute, New York University, and Rice University) |
IRMs | Instructor Resource Modules (in Aero-Astro CDIO) |
IS | Information Systems - MIT administrative IT dept up through 2003 |
ISCM | Integrated Supply Chain Management (Program) |
ISG | Iranian Studies Group (at MIT) |
ISN | Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies |
ISP | Integrated Studies Program |
IS&T | Information Systems and Technology – as of January 2014 (formerly Information Services and Technology) |
ISTAB | IS&T Student Technology Advisory Board |
ISU | International Space University |
IT | Information Technology - generic term |
ITAG | Infrastructure Technology Architecture Group |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITCC | Information Technology Coordinating Council |
ITER | International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor |
ITRI | Industrial Technology Research Institute |
ITS | Intelligent Transportation Systems, a lab at MIT |
ITS | Internet Transaction Server |
IT-SPARCC | Information Technology Strategic Planning and Resources Coordinating Council |
ITSS | Information Technology Security Support (within Information Services and Technology) |
IVCF | InterVarsity Christian Fellowship |
IWPC | Information Work Productivity Council |