DACCA | Distribution by ACCount, (a monthly consolidated salary expense report) |
DAF | Director, Administration and Finance |
DAPER | Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation |
DARPA | (Federal) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DCAA | Defense Contract Audit Agency |
DCAD | |
DCEE | Discover Civil and Environmental Engineering (a pre-Orientation program) |
DCM | Division of Comparative Medicine |
DCMA | Defense Contract Management Agency |
DCTI | |
DDC | Dewey Decimal Catalogue (Libraries) |
DDC | Department of Distinctive Collections (Libraries, formerly IASC) |
DDEC | Development, Design, Engineering and Construction (in the Department of Facilities) |
Deke | Delta Kappa Epsilon |
DGI | Diabetes Genetics Initiative (partnership between Broad Institute, Harvard, Novartis, and Lund University) |
DH | Department Head |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Service (industry term for a way to connect to MIT's network) |
DIC | Division of Industrial Cooperation (former name of the Industrial Liaison Program) |
DINDI | Distribution by INDIvidual (support staff payroll account sheets) |
DIRT | |
DIT | Dublin Institute of Technology |
DITR | see MDS Managed Desktop Services (Information Services & Technology) |
D-Lab | Development Lab (Introduction to Development course in DUSP) |
D-Lab | Draper Laboratory |
DLCs | Departments, Laboratories and Centers - used to refer to all academic and research areas; may be used to include central units. |
DLCIs | Departments, Laboratories, Centers, and Institutes - broadens previous DLC acronym to include Institutes |
DMA | DuPont MIT Alliance |
DMCs | Distributed Mail Centers |
DME | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
DMSE | Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
DOD | (Federal) Department of Defense |
DOE | (Federal) Department of Education |
DOE | (Federal) Department of Energy |
DOL | (Federal) Department of Labor |
DOME | Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment (for designing on the web) |
DormCon | Dormitory Council |
DormLine | Dormitory telephone exchange |
Double E | Electrical Engineering |
D.P.H. | Doctor of Public Health (degree) |
Draper | Charles Stark Draper Lab, Inc. |
DSA | Dean for Student Affairs (old name) |
DSCP | Direct Salary Charging Plan (used in the School of Engineering) |
DS | Departmental Services (Information Services & Technology) |
DSL | Division of Student Life |
DSO | Disabilities Services Office |
DSP | Division of Sponsored Programs (former name of the Office of Sponsored Programs) |
DSpace | An open-source institutional digital repository developed by the MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Co. to capture, store, distribute and preserve the intellectual output of MIT's faculty and research staff |
DSPG | Digital Signal Processing Group (Prof. Alan Oppenheim's research group in the Research Laboratory of Electronics) |
DSP Lab | Digital Signal Processing Laboratory |
DSR | Division of Sponsored Research (former name for the Office of Sponsored Research) |
DSRE | Division for Study and Research in Education (old) |
DTE | Dance Theater Ensemble |
DTSO | Digital Technologies and Streaming Operations |
DU | Delta Upsilon |
DUE | Dean for Undergraduate Education (former name for the Office of Undergraduate Education, OUE) |
DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System (MIT's DUNS number, 00-142-5594, must be included on applications for federal grants and cooperative agreements.) |
DUSP | Department of Urban Studies and Planning |
DynaMIT | A real-time traffic management system used in the Intelligent Transportations Systems lab at MIT |