This is the project's kick-off meeting.
- Still aiming for June delivery. Stating 5 months later.
- What is the metric for success?
- Drop in replacement for MIT Roles
- Core web services
- Data feeds
- What about Real Time capabilities? (web services, SQL, ...)
- What about High Availability?
- Keep an eye on this
- However, this should not be primary deliverable for the June deadline
- Extensibility
- Paul is not expecting that MIT would replace current Roles DB in June. We will need to shake it out, stress test, and probably months of transition planning.
- Schema info about current system needed.
- Functional description of current system needed.
- Review Signet documentation to help us determine if we have gaps. And to determine what we need to document about Roles/perMIT better.
- A similar review should be done between Roles DB and Kuali APIs.
- Feature comparison, including Use Cases. (e.g. take the Signet use cases and write them as Roles DB/perMIT use cases.)
- When to pull in George P. and Ron Parker?
- What is the intended licensing model? Who will own this action item?
- Architecture, components, and layers...[need this soon]
- Sustainability
- Long-term vs. Short Term
- Performance and sizing requirements
- Issues that should be addressed that Roles DB does not currently:
- Person to generic Subject
- Qualifiers Names that can
- Short term work products:
- Signet/perMIT feature comparison
- Overall components/design/flows/data model architecture diagrams
- Docs need for bringing Vijay up to being productive
- Mind set / perspective
- Peformance requirements (100s of thousand of authorizations with subsecond response time)
- Mind set / perspective
- Organizational structure models
- Jira Space
- Wiki Space
- perMIT-dev mailing list
- Environment:
- Copy of RolesDB production environement
- Note some data is sensitive, (e.g. EHS where we store the monkeys)
- Copy of RolesDB production environement
- Does Vijay have the right level of access to Troles or Roles production
- Does Vijay have the right level of access to Troles or Roles production
- Initial Terminology
- Concepts versus terms
- Existing Documentation (inventory)
- Elana to lead a conceptual modeling meeting?