Touchstone, formerly known as the Web SSO project
This is the home page for the Web SSO project, now called Touchstone. The project is still active and continues to evolve.
Project mailing list is an MIT mailman list named webauth for outreach to the user community.
The MIT list for the development team is webauth-dev, this is a private Moira list.
- Meeting Notes
- Touchstone Roadmap
- Documents relating to marketing and support
- What is Touchstone? - aimed at people thinking about using this service for their web application
- Touchstone Help page text - canoncial text of the Touchstone Help page text
- Issues raised by help desk staff - some questions from the help desk.
- How to choose between these options - draft document regarding the choice between using password, existing tickets, or a certificate for authentication.
- What information gets released to an application server? - attributes released by the core IdP for MIT users.
- MIT applications that support MIT Touchstone today.
- Customers and their requirements
- Technical Docs
- Test Plan and Related information
- Jira instance for this project
- *Request Tracker queue for MIT Touchstone Support* ('ISDA::Touchstone%20Support'%20AND%20(Status%20=%20'open'%20OR%20Status%20=%20'new'%20OR%20Status%20=%20'stalled'))