The IDEAS Global Challenge is an annual event where student teams compete to win up to $10,000 to launch their innovative projects that make a positive change in the world. MAKE YOUR IDEA HAPPENCome to the Generator Dinner: Tuesday, Oct 16 at 7:00pm Walker Memorial  * Pitch your idea to recruit teammates! * Pitch your skill set to get recruited! * Or just come and meet wonderful people! * RSVP at to reserve a spot for your pitch  NB: 1st deadline for Scope Statements is Tues, Oct 23 at 11:59pm – submit your proposal to receive mentorship, feedback and an opportunity to receive development grants for your idea.  The IDEAS Global Challenge is a program of the MIT Public Service Center. Questions: email Thank you very much-Daniel Daniel Mokrauer-MaddenMIT IDEAS Global Challenge / MIT IDIProject AssistantRm 10-110 / W20-549