S3 | Student Support Services | |
SAA | Student Art Association | |
SAAS | South Asian American Students | |
SACC | Student Action Coordinating Committee (old) | |
SAE | Sigma Alpha Epsilon | |
SAFO | Student Activities Finance Office (part of Student Life Programs) | |
SAIS | Student and Administrative Information Services, a directorate within IS&T | |
Sala | La Sala de Puerto Rico, a large, all-purpose room in the Student Center | |
SANDI | Staff Appointments and Distribution (staff and exempt payroll account sheets) | |
SAO | Student Activities Office | |
SA+P | School of Architecture and Planning | |
SAP | German company which provides the computer software that MIT uses for finance, HR, Payroll, etc | |
SARA | Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act | |
SAS | Student Assistance Services | |
SAS | Statistical Analysis Software | |
S.B. | Bachelor of Science (degree) | |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research program | |
SBM | Society for Biomaterials | |
SC | Sigma Chi | |
SCC | Student Center Committee | |
SCC | Schwarzman College of Computing | |
Sc.D. | Doctor of Science (degree) | |
SCEP | School of Chemical Engineering Practice | |
SCEP | Student Committee on Educational Policy (old) | |
SCFG | Science Club for Girls | |
SCOUTs | Surface Crafts for Oceanographic and Undersea Testing | |
SDM | System Design and Management (Program) | |
S.E. | Sanitary Engineer (degree) | |
SEBC | Science and Engineering Business Club | |
SEBL | Scanning-Electron-Beam Lithography (a facility in the Nanostructures Laboratory) | |
SEDS | Students for the Exploration and Development of Space | |
SEED | Saturday Engineering Enrichment and Discovery (Academy) | |
SEIP | Student Extended (Medical) Insurance Premium | |
SEM | Undergraduate Seminar (subject designation) | |
SEMS | Student Emergency Medical Services | |
SEO | Student Employment Office | |
SEPT | Science and Engineering Program for Teachers | |
SES | (Doctoral Program in) Social and Engineering Systems | |
SEVIS | Student Exchange Visitor Information System (of the US Immigration and Naturalization Service) | |
SEVT | Solar Electric Vehicle Team | |
SFS | Student Financial Services | |
SH | Student House | |
SHAC | Student Health Advisory Committee | |
SHASS | School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences | |
SHBT | Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology | |
SHPE | Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers | |
SHR | Subcommittee on the HASS Requirement | |
SI@MIT | Sports Innovation @ MIT | |
SIA | Signals Information and Algorithms (a group in the Research Laboratory of Electronics) | |
Sig Ep | Sigma Phi Epsilon | |
SIGUS | Special Interest Group in Urban Settlements | |
SIP | Sloan Innovation Period | |
Session Initiation Protocol (industry term) | ||
SIPB | Student Information Processing Board | |
SIS | Student Information System | |
SK | Sigma Kappa | |
SL | Service Learning | |
SL | Sloan Laboratory | |
S-LAB | Laboratory for Sustainable Business | |
SLIP | Systematic List Processor (programming language) | |
SloanSpace | an online course management system for putting courses on the Internet | |
SLP | Student Life Programs | |
SLS | Spoken Language Systems, a group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | |
S.M. | Master of Science (degree) | |
SMA | Singapore-MIT Alliance | |
S.M.Arch.S. | Master of Science in Architectural Studies (degree) | |
SMART | Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (Center) | |
SMBT | Master of Science in Building Technology (degree) | |
SmL | Servomechanisms Laboratory | |
Smoot | Unit of measurement of Harvard Bridge that used an MIT student named Smoot | |
SMR | Sloan Management Review | |
S.M.T. | Master of Science in Transportation (degree) | |
S.M.Vis.S. | Master of Science in Visual Studies (degree) | |
SNC | Sensor Network Consortium. (MIT is one of the academic members.) | |
SOCR | CUP's Subcommittee on the Communication Requirement | |
SoE | School of Engineering | |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SOHO | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory | |
SoS | School of Science | |
SPAMIT | Stupid People at MIT (humorous t-shirt) | |
SPE | Sigma Phi Epsilon | |
SpecLab | (George Russell Harrison) Spectroscopy Laboratory | |
SPHERES | Synchronized Position Hold Engage Re-orient Experimental Satellites (at MIT Aero-Astro) | |
SPHR | Senior Professional in Human Resources - level of certification by SHRM | |
SPS | Special Studies (subject designation) | |
SPURS | Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies | |
SRE | Study and Research in Education | |
SSC | Student Services Center | |
SSG | Stochastic Systems Group (in Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems) | |
SSIT | Student Services Information Technology (formerly ODSUE-IT); part of IS&T as of 2005 | |
SSL | Space Systems Laboratory | |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer (protocol for managing security on the Internet) | |
SSM | Sloan School of Management | |
SSP | Security Studies Program | |
SSPCC | Student Systems and Policies Coordinating Committee | |
SSPR | Support Staff Peer Resources | |
SSRC | Sociotechnical Systems Research Center | |
STC | Student Technology Consultants | |
STEM | Science Technology Engineering Math program at MIT for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Boston Public Schools | |
STEP | Secondary Technical Education Project (also called Project STEP) | |
STIR | Signal Transformation and Information Representation (a group in the Research Laboratory of Electronics) | |
stopit | MIT-wide process to report cases of misuse of MIT's computer systems | |
STOP | Security Tracking of Office Property (in Campus Police) | |
STS | (Program in) Science, Technology, and Society | |
STS | Sloan Technology Services | |
$SumMIT | (Not an acronym) An application for financial reporting from MIT's legacy accounting systems. Most of its purpose was replaced by SAP. | |
SWE | Society of Women Engineers |