AA | Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of |
AA | Administrative Assistant |
AA | Affirmative Action |
AA | Associate Advisor |
AA | Association of Alumni and Alumnae of MIT |
AA | Athletic Association |
AAAS | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
AAC II | |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research |
AACSB | Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business |
AACU | Association of American Colleges and Universities |
AAM | American Association of Museums |
AAMIT | Arab Alumni of MIT |
AAP | Affirmative Action Plan |
AAS | American Astronomical Society |
AAU | Association of American Universities |
ABD | Artists Beyond the Desk (formerly Artists Behind the Desk) |
ABET | Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology |
ABS | Applied Biological Sciences (no longer a department) |
AC | Academic Council |
ACAT | Administrative Computing Advocacy Team (part of Administrative Computing) |
ACCESS MIT | An information product of the Industrial Liaison Program |
ACCORD | Academic Computing Coordinating Group |
ACDL | Aerospace Computational Design Lab |
ACE | American Council on Education |
ACH | Automated Clearing House |
ACL | Aerospace Controls Laboratory (http://acl.mit.edu) |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery |
ACME | Academy of Courageous Minority Engineers |
ACS | American Cancer Society |
ACS | American Chemical Society |
ACSA | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture |
ACSP | Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning |
ACSR | Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility |
ACST | Academic Computing Support Team |
ACT | Program in Art, Culture, and Technology |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADONIS | The name of the gifts database |
ADP | Administrative Development Program (old) |
ADP | Airline Data Project |
ADP | Alpha Delta Phi |
ADSCMD | Associate Dean for Student Conflict Management and Discipline |
A.E. | Aeronautical Engineer (degree) |
AEPhi | Alpha Epsilon Phi |
AEPi | Alpha Epsilon Pi |
AeroAstro | |
AFMIT | Adoptive Families at MIT |
AFROTC | Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps |
AGREA | Analysis Group for Regional Electricity Alternatives (in MIT's Laboratory for Energy and the Environment) |
AGS | Alliance for Global Sustainability |
AGU | American Geophysical Union |
AIA | American Institute of Architects |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
AID | Association for India's Development-MIT |
AIFC | Alumni Interfraternity Conference |
AI Lab | Artificial Intelligence Laboratory |
AIM | Not an acronym. It's a group of senior administrators in central administrative departments who meet informally for mutual edification, group problem solving, and to serve as a link between their peer group and the Administrative Advisory Council II. |
AIP | American Institute of Physics |
AISES | American Indian Science and Engineering Society |
AITI | African Internet Technology Initiative |
AJAS | American Junior Academy of Science |
AKA | Alpha Kappa Alpha |
AKDC | Aga Khan Documentation Center |
ALC | Alumni Leadership Conference |
AMITA | Association of MIT Alumnae |
AMPS | Academic Media Production Services |
AMSL | Active Materials and Structures Laboratory |
AMT | Anonymous Medical Transport |
AMT | Arts and Media Technology |
ANMI | Amsterdam New Media Institute |
ANS | Alumni Network Services |
AO | Administrative Officer |
AO Query | An email list of administrators, maintained by the Administrative Advisory Council II (AAC II) |
AP | Accounts Payable |
APDA | American Parliamentary Debate Association |
APhi | Alpha Phi |
APL | Affiliates Program in Logistics |
APMT | Aviation Portfolio Management Tool (in PARTNER) |
APO | Alpha Phi Omega |
APR | Association of Puerto Rican Students |
APT | Automatically Programmed Tools |
ARA | MIT food services vendor, ARAMARK |
ARC | Academic, Research, and Careers (committee) of the Graduate Student Council |
Arcade | Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events |
ARCTAN | American Red Cross Team and Network |
ARMIT | AIDS Response at MIT (student group) |
AS | Aerospace Studies (subject designation) |
ASA | Acoustical Society of America |
ASA | African Students Association |
ASA | Association of Student Activities |
ASAP | After School Astronomy Project |
ASC | Architecture Student Council |
ASCB | American Society For Cell Biology |
ASCI | American Association for Clinical Investigation |
Asean | Association of South-East Asian Nations |
ASL | American Sign Language |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASPCC | Administrative Systems and Policies Coordinating Council |
Aspen | Automated Speech Exchange Network |
ASRL | Aeroelastic and Structures Research Laboratory |
ASTRA | Alliance for Science and Technology Research in America |
ATHENA | A campus-wide, networked computing environment that grew out of the original Project Athena. |
ATIC | Assistive Technology Information Center (7-143) |
ATL | Automated Tape Libraries |
ATO | Alpha Tau Omega |
ATP | Advanced Technology Program |
AUTM | Association of University Technology Managers |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
AV | Audio-Visual (Services) |
AV Lab | Acoustics and Vibrations Laboratory |
AVU | African Virtual University |
AWIS | Association for Women in Science |
AWM | Association for Women in Mathematics |
AWS | Association of Women Students |
AXO | Alpha Chi Omega |