- The main application review site is here https://apply.mit.edu/manage/reader/ (SLATE)
- Navigate to "Queue" to view your unread assigned applications for review
- How to review
- Tips and tricks to use SLATE
- Overview of the Grad Admissions process and information for new faculty
- Intended meaning of review scores:
- 4: Definitely Admit
- 3.5: Admit
- 3: Admissible
- 2: Probably Admissible
- 1: Reject
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Admissions
- Departmental Fellowships
- USAF and USSF Applicant Data forthcoming
- Council of Graduate Schools Publication Resource: April 15 Resolution
(The April 15 resolution is an agreement among the signatory graduate schools to provide applicants until April 15 to consider offers of admission that also include financial support.) - All official decisions from the department will not be sent until end of February
- For any difficulties, please mail Luca Carlone (lcarlone@mit.edu) or Rachael Draper (rdraper@mit.edu)